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Pl anni ng & Zo ni n g B o ar d <br />No vem b er 10 , 20 0 4 <br />Page 4 <br />Staff explained the app l icant h a s req u ested app r o v al of a f i ve lot sing le f a m ily residen tia l <br />subdivision entitled Vaughan A ddition located on the south side of Birch Street <br />approxim a tely 2,180 feet east of W a r e Road. Th e com p rehensive plan guides the site f o r <br />low density sewered re sidentia l use a nd it is zone d R-1. The site is a l so within th e <br />existing MUSA boundary. The approxim ate area of the site is 2.99 acres, with 2.91 acres <br />of upland area, and a net density of 1 .72 un its/acre. The propo sed subdivis i on will con s ist <br />of five lots ranging in size from 11,654 squa re feet to 19,665 square feet; the upland lot <br />area of all five lots exceed 11,654 square f eet and therefore conf or m to ordinance. <br /> <br />Staff stated that 165 lots have been a pproved for year 2005, leaving no more than 11 <br />more lots for year 2005 to bring the total to 176, which includes the 20% discretionary <br />flexibility. Fox Den Ac res is scheduled for consideration by the City Council, and the <br />pending growth m a nagem e nt policy regardi ng Conservation Developm ents m a kes the <br />availability of the last 1 1 discretionary lots unknown. <br /> <br />Staff explained that access from Birch Street is proposed in th e form of a cul-de-sac, with <br />an offset bulb. Staff is concerned with access to n o t only th is site, bu t the adjacen t site to <br />the west. <br /> <br />Staff stated that city water and sanitary sewe r will connect to e x is ting facilities already on <br />site; both are adequate to serve the project. The City Engineer ha s com p leted a thorough <br />review of th e subm itted plans and th e appli cant will be required to sa tisf y all of the <br />comments m a de by the City Engineer prior to approval of any building perm its for the <br />site. The proposal does not include any land de dication for park land; a cash dedication of <br />$1,665 per residential unit will be required. <br /> <br />Staff noted the Environm ental Board review ed the project on October 27, 2004. One of <br />their m a jor concerns was an alternative acces s to elim inate traffic concern s on Birch <br />Street. The m a jority of comments can be addressed by the developm ent agreem ent <br />between the applicant and the City; others will be include d as conditions of approval <br />when this project is acted upon by the Planning & Zoning Board. <br /> <br />Staff is reco mmending that th is item be continu e d to a future m eeting so the acces s iss u es <br />can be furth e r exam ined and because of th e questions surroun ding the av ailab ility of <br />discretionary lots for 2005 pursuant to the growth m a nagem e nt policy. <br /> <br />Mr. Root th anked staff for addres sin g the Birc h Street acces s issues and encouraged staff <br />to rev i ew all future access points su rroundi ng this area in orde r to gain a b e tter <br />understanding of where other possible acce ss points m a y i m pact future projects. <br /> <br />Chair Raf f e rty sta t ed it will be im portan t to de ter m ine what the proper t y owner to the <br />west of the proposed developm ent intends to do and address access in conjunction with <br />that. He added the goal would be to elim inat e the need for another street off of Birch <br />Street. <br /> <br />Jodi Hystead, 593 Chippewa Tra il, expressed concern about the drainage easem ent that <br />runs behind their property and also expresse d concern about the rem oval of trees on the <br />APPR OVE D MINUTE S