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Pl anni ng & Zo ni n g B o ar d <br />No vem b er 10 , 20 0 4 <br />Page 6 <br />Chair Rafferty requested Mr. Vaughan work with staff to address all outstanding issues <br />and reiterated his request to hold a m eeting wi th the adjacent property ow ners to address <br />their conce r ns. He state d this m a tter will th en co m e back to the Planning & Zoning Board <br />in Decem ber for action. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty closed the public hearing at 7:23 p.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Hyden m a de a MOTION to continue item 5B to a f u ture m eeting so that a c cess <br />issues can b e exam ined and because of th e questions surroun ding the av ailab ility of <br />discretionary lots for 2005 pursuant to the growth m a nagem e nt policy, and was supported <br />by Mr. Tralle. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> <br />C. PUBLI C HEARI NG for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review for <br />Construction of a Church, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 69XX <br />Lak e Drive <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty opened the pub lic hearing at 7:24 p.m . <br /> <br />Staff explained the New Brighton C ongregati on of the Jehovah’s W itnesses has requested <br />approval of a conditional use perm it to allo w a church on a 4.07 acr e lot located on the <br />east side of Lake Drive. The com p re hens ive p l an guides th e s ite f o r low-d e nsity <br />unsewered residential use and is zoned R-1 (Sin g l e Fam ily Residen tia l). Site plan rev i ew <br />will be com p leted adm i nistr a tively. <br /> <br />He stated the site is lo cated within the existing MU SA boundary even though public <br />water and sanitary sewer are not available wi thin approxim a tely 700 feet of the site. The <br />proposed building clearly m eet s all of the m i ni mum setback requirem e nts for the R-1 <br />zoning district. The parking lot standards ha ve been taken from the comm er cial design <br />guidelines since the R-1 zoning di s t rict does no t s p ecifically a ddress parking lot setbacks. <br /> <br />He stated th e build ing materials are b r ick ven eer with brick e x ter i or with brick so ldie r <br />course at a 3’ height, with a com posite shingle roof. A m i ni m a l a m ount of façade <br />articulation is proposed and th e only entrances consist of th e m a in door on the south side <br />and a serv ice entrance o n the north s i de. All p r op osed m a terials are in accordance with <br />the zoning ordinance. In addition, the build ing height com p lies with the ordinance. <br /> <br />Staff explained the screening requirem ents of the zoning ordina nce required along the <br />boundary of the residen t ial property adjacen t to th is institution a l use, no tin g that either a <br />green belt w ith 80% opacity, six feet in height must be provided, or alternatively a solid <br />screen ing f e nce six f eet in height. He stated the p l ans as subm itted dep i ct a f our f oot <br />fence and landscaping does not provide the n eeded opacity beyond the four feet. Staff has <br />advised the applicant to speak with the nei ghbors about the screening to determ ine which <br />option they m i ght prefer. He i ndica te d the poten tial re loca tion of the septic system on the <br />site will req u ire som e changes to the lands caping plan. Staff and the Environm ental <br />Board have expressed concern that the lake side of the propert y be effectively screened to <br />m i ni m i ze the visual im pact of the building. <br /> <br />APPR OVE D MINUTE S