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Pl anni ng & Zo ni n g B o ar d <br />No vem b er 10 , 20 0 4 <br />Page 7 <br />Staff stated the plans cu rrently show th e property at approxim ately 18% impervious <br />surface coverage; the R-1 zoning dis t rict requi res that im pervious surface coverage no t <br />exceed 65%. He stated that access to the site is via an entry/exit driveway directly fro m <br />Lake Drive and approval for this access m u st be obtained from A noka County. He stated <br />staff review of the access and circula t ion will d e p e nd grea tly on the comm ents from <br />Anoka County; those comments have not yet be en received. He indi cated that a m i nimum <br />of 57 parking spaces will need to b e m a intain ed and the app l icant is prop osing 59 parking <br />spaces. The plans show a m i ni m a l amount of si dewalk running from the parking lot to the <br />f r ont entry. An addition a l poin t of entry on th e r ear of the bu ilding do es not have a <br />sidewalk and a condition has been added re quiring the provision of such a walkway. The <br />applicant is proposing shoebox style lighting with downcast, in conform a nce to City <br />standards. All signage w ould be subject to perm it and approval based on the City’s sign <br />ordinanc e. The location of trash equ i pm ent is not shown on the subm itted plans and the <br />applic ant will be require d to indicate how tras h will be s t ore d and scre en ed on site. The <br />m echanical plans show multiple con f iguratio n s f o r the a i r co ndition i ng u n its on th e n o rth <br />side of the b u ilding, m a king them visible to th e s t reet. A con d ition will b e includ ed that <br />requires effective screening of these units. <br /> <br />Staff explained that water and sanitary sewe r service are not imm e diately available an d <br />the subm itte d plans dep i ct a well and septic syste m . Staf f and the Environ m ental Board <br />have asked the applicant to exam ine the feasib ility of m oving the se p tic s y stem f r om the <br />rear of the property to the front of the property to m a xim i ze the separation from the <br />shoreline. T h e City Engineer has reviewed the utility p l an and the grad ing and drain a g e <br />plan; s e vera l issues will need to be a ddre ssed by the applican t. In add itio n, the grad in g <br />and drainage plan is subject to review and approval fr om the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District. <br /> <br />Staff advised the Environm ental Board revi ewed the project on October 27, 2004 and <br />their recom m e ndations include seve ral lim itatio ns which will be incorporated into site <br />plan rev i ew and will be conditioned or a dded to the develop m ent agreem ent when <br />appropriate. <br /> <br />Staff recomm ended continuing the p ublic he arin g f o r the pro j ect to allow the applican t to <br />address the comments of the City Engineer, to a llow rec e ipt of comm ents f r om Anoka <br />County with respect to access and circulation, an d to allow th e applicant to subm it a <br />revised landscaping plan. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty reques t ed clarification of the comment by the E nvironm ental Board for <br />“adequate screening of s horeland an d adjacen t residences.” Mr. Bengtso n stated he felt <br />their intention was to re quire app lic ant to p r ovide som e sort of visual barrier from the <br />building to the actual shore, to m i nim i ze the impact th at th e build ing would have on the <br />visual experience on the lake. <br /> <br />Chair Raf f e rty asked if a split ra il f e n ce could be utilized by the applicant. Staf f replie d <br />the type of fence is left up to the de veloper, as long as it m eets all screening <br />requirem e nts. <br /> <br />APPR OVE D MINUTE S