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Pl anni ng & Zo ni n g B o ar d <br />No vem b er 10 , 20 0 4 <br />Page 9 <br />Chair Rafferty stated sev e ral v a lid co ncer ns hav e been raised by adjacen t property <br />owners that should be addr essed by the applicant. <br /> <br />Rob Storberg, 6978 Lake Drive, stated he is appearing on behalf of his parents and they <br />have expressed concerns regarding the outsi de lighting at the church and increased <br />traffic. He added his parents are concerned abou t isolating th is lot with a church whe n <br />the res t of th e area consis ts of single f a m ily hom e s, and as ked how this lot can be zoned <br />for a church that surrounds a residential area. He questioned the value that this type of <br />building brings to the community. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty stated th at the applican t desire s to purchase the subj ec t prop erty f o r th e <br />purpose of developing a new worship site, a nd they have an opportunity to do that <br />through a C ondition a l U s e Perm it. He indicated there are restrictions in th e comm ercial <br />zoning dis t rict that m a y not allow church activit y . He stated that becau se severa l concerns <br />have been raised, in cluding traffic, site li ghting, and signage, it w ill b e app r opriate to <br />continue this public h earing. In add i tion, th e com m e nts from Anoka County will n eed to <br />be reviewed and addressed. <br /> <br />Staff confirm e d a church is a conditional use allowed within the R-1 district and they are <br />not perm itte d in the com m e rcial distr i ct. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty invited applicant to m a ke comm ent. <br /> <br />Rodney Gordon, 3552 Brookdale Drive, Brooklyn Park, appeared representing the <br />engineer of the project. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty stated that it would be adva ntageous to both the church and adjacent <br />property ow ners if they m e t to discuss th e concerns raised this evening and would <br />provide the church with an opportunity to talk to the adjacent prope rty ow ners about their <br />plans for the property. <br /> <br />Mr. Gordon agreed that such a m eeting would be beneficial. He stat ed that they have <br />previous ly b u ilt a Kingd om Hall on 694 and Silv er Lake Road in New Brighton and the <br />neighbors w e re happy to see the church com e into their neighborhood. He indicated they <br />plan to install a 6 ’ fence to screen the park ing lot area. M r . Gordon stated the church will <br />typically hold m eetings two nights per week. During the re m a inder of the week, people <br />will be com i ng into and leaving th e c hurch at d i f f e rent tim es. He stated th e parking lot <br />will rarely b e full. He ad ded the services on Sundays are h e ld between 9:3 0 a.m . and <br />10:00 a.m . a nd services are fi nished at 12:00 noon. He stated the shoebox lights will be lit <br />only when there is a m e eting being held at the church. <br /> <br />Chair Rafferty asked staff what the City requires for lighting at this type of facility. Mr. <br />Studenski replied there are no specific requi rem e nts for lighting and from the City’s <br />perspective, lighting should be m i nim i zed to reduce light glare. <br /> <br />Mr. Gordon stated their building on Silver Lake Road is sim ila r to the proposed structure, <br />and showed pictu r es of the Silve r La ke Road site . He stated the signage will be b r ick with <br />APPR OVE D MINUTE S