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01/08/2003 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
01/08/2003 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />January 8, 2003 <br />Page 2 <br /> APPROVED MINUTES <br />Chair Schaps declared Open Mike open at 6:36 p.m. <br />No one else was present for Open Mike. <br />Mr. Corson made a MOTION to close Open Mike at 6:37 p.m., and was supported by <br />Mr. Rafferty. Motion carried 5-0. <br />V.ACTION ITEMS <br />D. PUBLIC HEARING, ATS&R, Living Waters Lutheran Church, 865 Birch <br />Street, Site Plan Review & Conditional Use Permit <br />Chair Schaps declared the public hearing opened at 6:38 p.m. and asked if anyone was <br />present in the audience who wished to speak to this application. <br />No one from the audience wished to speak to this application. <br />Mr. Rafferty made a MOTION to continue the public hearing to February 12, 2003 to <br />allow the applicant to prepare complete information and staff to prepare a complete <br />report and recommendation, and was supported by Mr. Lyden. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Mr. Smyser explained that several important pieces of this project were not submitted so <br />staff was not able to provide a review. <br />Mr. Corson stated that someone had told him everything had been submitted on this <br />project and asked if the delay had to do with the County’s review of the turn lanes. Mr. <br />Smyser stated there is more information missing than turn lane information. <br />Mr. Corson asked when the application will be heard by the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District. Mr. Smyser stated that he is not intimately familiar with the Watershed <br />District’s rules but it is his understanding that if the project does not disturb more than <br />one acre or a wetland, then it is not a big deal. <br />Mr. Corson asked if the Rice Creek Watershed District decides whether it is a project <br />they should review. Mr. Smyser stated it is the District’s decision whether the project <br />needs a permit and review. <br />Mr. Corson stated that it appears there is more than one open issue. Mr. Smyser stated <br />the architect told him that the Watershed District had indicated they did not need to <br />review this project. However, that does not mean the City will not review the storm <br />water issues to assure the on-site water is properly managed.
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