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03/12/2003 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/12/2003 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />March 12, 2003 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED MINUTES <br />Birch Street and east of Hodgson Road. Sta ff noted they were continuing to work with <br />the developer on certain issues and recommended tabling this item. <br />Mr. Rafferty made a MOTION to continue th e public hearing at the April, 2004 Planning <br />& Zoning Board Meeting. The motion was suppor ted by Mr. Tralle. Motion carried 3-0. <br />B.RJM Construction, Mueller Office Facili ty, SW corner of Lake Drive and James <br />Street, Site Plan Review <br />Staff explained the applicant was asking for a site and building plan review on a vacant <br />commercial lot on the southeast corner of La ke Drive and James Street. Staff reviewed <br />their March 12, 2003 report recommending appr oval of applicant’s request and outlined <br />seven recommendations. <br />Chair Schaps invited appl icant to make comment. <br />John Patterson, RJM Construction, presented to the Board samples of material they were <br />proposing to use on the building. He stated with respect to site light ing, they were in the <br />process of revising it and they would comply with the City Ordinances. He stated the <br />light fixtures located on the building were for aesthetic purposes only. They were low <br />wattage, which would provide a low light. It would not be light enough to hit the ground <br />or the eve of the building. He noted th ey would have no problems meeting staff’s <br />recommendations. <br />Mr. Tralle made a MOTION to recommended approval of the Site and Building Plans <br />and MUSA Allocation with the fo llowing conditions of approval: <br />1. The trash screening enclosure will use the same brick as the principal building. <br />2. Lighting must meet ordinance requirements of no more than 0.4 foot candles at the <br />residential property line to the east, and no more than 1.0 at street centerlines. <br />3. The utility related modifications and commen ts as set forth in the City Engineer’s <br />memo, dated March 6, 2003, shall be in corporated into the final plans. <br />4. The grading and drainage related modifica tions and comments as set forth in the <br />City Engineer’s memo, dated March 6, 2003, shall be incorporat ed into the plans. <br />5. The grading and drainage plans shall be revised to include tree protection measures <br />and measures to avoid soil compac tion in designated infiltration areas. <br />6. The Landscaping Plan shall be revised to include City native seed schedule for all <br />infiltration and ponding areas. <br />7. The applicant shall enter into a Site Pe rformance Agreement with the City. Such <br />agreement shall provide for ongoing mainte nance of ponding and infiltration areas.
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