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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />NET ASSETS BY COMPONENT, <br />LAST NINE FISCAL YEARS <br />... (accrual basis of accounting) <br />r.. <br />Uwe <br />Table 1 <br />Fiscal Year <br />2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <br />Governmental activities <br />Invested in capital assets, net of related debt $ 25,993,905 $ 28,807,262 $ 25,460,528 $ 29,549,174 $ 36,789,153 $ 28,472,865 $ 23,400,453 $ 22,562,217 $ 24,600,103 <br />Restricted 3,568,555 3,045,052 12,050,484 10,704,508 10.324,467 9,870,676 9,414,474 8,428,025 11,598,803 <br />Unrestricted 15,668.226 16,249,541 13,577,071 14,516,466 6,339,528 10,790,359 15,926,322 16,738,885 13,463,210 <br />Total governmental activities net assets $ 45,230,686 $ 48.101,855 $ 51,088,083 $ 54,770,148 $ 53,453,148 $ 49,133,900 $ 48,741,249 $ 47,729,127 $ 49,662,116 <br />Business -type activities <br />Invested in capital assets, net of related debt $ 25,537,383 $ 26,713,498 $ 28,342,832 $ 29,485,942 $ 29,836,775 $ 30,372,670 $ 30,071,840 $ 29,648,461 $ 29,216,866 <br />Unrestricted 3,778,936 4,744,875 5,572,338 6,880,547 8,063,983 9,028,778 10,112,207 10,728,626 11,201,362 <br />Total business -type activities net assets $ 29,316,319 $ 31,458,373 $ 33,915,170 $ 36,366,489 $ 37,900,758 $ 39,401,448 $ 40,184,047 $ 40,377,087 $ 40,418,228 <br />Primary Government <br />Invested in capital assets, net of related debt $ 51,531,288 $ 55,520,760 $ 53,803,360 $ 59,035,116 $ 66,625,928 $ 58,845,535 $ 53,472,293 $ 52,210,678 $ 53,816,969 <br />Restricted 3,568,555 3,045,052 12,050,484 10,704,508 10,324,467 9,870,676 9,414,474 8,428,025 11,598,803 <br />Unrestricted 19,447,162 20.994,416 19,149,409 21,397,013 14,403,511 19,819,137 26,038,529 27,467,511 24,664,572 <br />Total primary govemment net assets $ 74,547,005 _ $ 79,560,228 $ 85,003,253 $ 91,136,637 $ 91,353,906 $ 88,535,348 $ 88,925,296 $ 88,106,214 $ 90,080,344 <br />Note: The City began to report accrual information when it implemented GASB 34 in fiscal year 2003. <br />90 <br />