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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />CHANGES IN NET ASSETS, <br />LAST NINE FISCAL YEARS <br />(accrual basis of accounting) <br />Fiscal Year <br />2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 <br />Expenses <br />Governmental activities: <br />General Government $ 6,092,587 $ 2,524,387 $ 2,941.279 $ 2,886,825 $ 2,197,672 $ 2,323,358 S 2,201,439 <br />Public Safety 2,648,944 2,799,294 3,091,174 3,516,376 3,730,504 4,051,162 4,299,366 <br />Public Services 1,162,412 7,254,708 9,187,436 3,871,968 10,580,560 7,608,626 4,027,553 <br />Parks, Recreation and Forestry 932,113 1,196,096 799,335 1,162,458 1,357,133 919,948 1,313,560 <br />Conservation of Natural Resources 111,946 116,869 150,092 156,592 183,420 184,624 215,607 <br />Community Development 859,110 420,874 383,211 691,880 1,122,802 1,114,158 1,005,997 <br />Interest on long -term debt 815,681 748,832 797,341 926,021 980,849 1,045,781 928,668 <br />Total governmental activities expenses $ 12,622,793 $ 15,061,060 $ 17,349,868 $ 13,212,120 $ 20,152,940 $ 17,247,657 $ 13,992,190 <br />Business -type activities: <br />Water $ 968,458 $ 914,039 $ 876,592 $ 976,575 $ 1,170,902 8 1,020,770 $ 1,089,569 <br />Sewer 1,046,170 1,130,994 1,217,825 1,228,123 1,298,963 1,287,943 1,432,107 <br />Total business -type activities 2,014,628 2,045,033 2,094,417 2,204,698 2,469,865 2,308,713 2,521,676 <br />Total primary government expenses $ 14,637,421 $ 17,106,093 0 19,444,285 $ 15,416,818 $ 22,622,805 5 19,556,370 $ 16,513,866 <br />Program Revenues <br />Governmental activities: <br />Charges for services: <br />General Government 102,520 $ 122,861 $ 111,480 88,924 5 91,646 $ 79,844 $ 101,741 <br />Public Safety 964,034 1,049,858 998,210 844,514 1,078,995 1,296,418 725,747 <br />Public Works 493,312 454,191 434,087 420,741 389,489 413,040 428,174 <br />Parks, Recreation and Forestry 250,816 242,857 196,951 188,439 185,803 187,285 165,994 <br />Conservation of Natural Resources 5,369 11,763 4,873 6,854 4,559 3,660 3,858 <br />Community Development 28,210 28,952 26,985 20,530 15,839 11.623 8,667 <br />Operating grants and contributions 633,691 677,079 761,924 643,749 851,791 693,065 682,797 <br />Capital grants and contributions 4,536,567 7,515,238 10,128,024 5,963,204 7,189,346 1.094,789 1,357,015 <br />Total governmental activities program revenues S 7,014,519 5 10,102,799 $ 12,662,534 $ 8,176,955 5 9,807,468 0 3,779,724 S 3,473,993 <br />Business -type activities: <br />Charges for services: <br />Water S 1,064,326 S 979,075 $ 1,031,175 $ 1,175,172 S 1,215,763 5 1,058,493 S 1,365,817 <br />Sewer 1,216,589 1,280,652 1,361,759 1,391,702 1,446,112 1,472,093 1,502,164 <br />Operating grants and contributions 62,710 <br />Capital grants and contributions 2,719,081 1,589,419 1,733,775 1,535,631 80,750 10,117 8,769 <br />Total business -type activities program revenues 4,999,996 3,849,146 4,126,709 4,102,505 2,742,625 2,540,703 2,939.460 <br />Total primary government program revenues $ 12,014,515 0 13,951,945 $ 16,789,243 S 12,279,460 $ 12,550,093 S 6,320,427 S 6,413,453 <br />Net (Expense) /Revenue <br />Governmental activities <br />Business -type activities <br />Total primary govemment net expense <br />$ (5,608.274) $ (4,958,261) $ (4,687,334) $ (5,035,165) $ (10,345.472) S (13,467,933) $ (10,518,197) <br />2,985,368 1,804,113 2,032 _92 1,897,807 272,760 231,990 417,784 <br />$ (2,622,906) $ (3,154,148) $ (2,655,042) $ (3,137,358) 5 (10,072,712) $ (13,235,943) S (10,100,413) <br />General Revenues and Other Changes in Net Assets <br />Governmental activities: <br />Property taxes 0 6,847,470 5 6,630,279 $ 7,383,415 $ 8,269,944 $ 8,785,280 $ 9,424,697 5 9,808,324 <br />Unrestricted grants and contributions - - - 256,877 129,607 11,321 <br />Unrestricted investment earnings 194,220 221,302 433,387 713,794 864,578 576,071 429,325 <br />Gain on sale of capital assets 1,280,957 33,217 17,424 12,512 12,644 <br />Miscellaneous - 160,955 <br />Transfers (301,355) (303,108) (304,195) (299,725) (895,687) (994,202) (136,068) <br />Total governmental activities $ 6,740,335 $ 7,829,430 $ 7,673,562 5 8,717,230 $ 9,028,472 $ 9,148,685 $ 10,125,546 <br />Business -type activities: <br />Unrestricted investment earnings $ 20,866 $ 34,833 $ 120,310 $ 253,787 $ 365,822 S 274,498 5 228,747 <br />Transfers 301,355 303,108 304,195 299,725 895,687 994,202 136,068 <br />Total business -type activities 322,221 337,941 424,505 553,512 1,261,509 1,268,700 364,815 <br />Total primary govemment $ 7,062,556 S 8,167,371 5 8,098,067 $ 9,270,742 S 10,289,981 $ 10,417,385 $ 10,490,361 <br />Change in Net Assets <br />Governmental activities <br />Business -type activities <br />Total primary government change in net assets <br />S 1,132,061 S 2,871,169 $ 2,986.228 S 3,682,065 0 (1,317,000) $ (4,319,248) S (392,651) <br />3.307.589 2,142,054 2,456,797 2,451,319 1,534,269 1,500,690 782,599 <br />$ 4,439,650 S 5,013,223 $ 5,443.025 S 6,133,384 S 217,269 $ (2.818,558) 5 389,948 <br />Note: The City began to report accrual information when it implemented GASB 34 in fiscal year 2003. <br />91 <br />