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04/25/2001 Environmental Board Minutes
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04/25/2001 Environmental Board Minutes
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Environmental Board
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Env Bd Minutes
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ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD MEETING APRIL 25, 2001 <br />Trehus questioned the status of the Environmental Audit Worksheet. Mr. Payton <br />responded the draft went to the City Consultant for review. He noted the square footage <br />of the building would be revised and stated the project would be published in a <br />professional journal in June as a forum for response and comment. Mr. Payton added <br />there was a 3.62 wet and fill mitigation underway near the golf course. The surveying <br />areas have been delineated for the expansion of the wetland areas. <br />Trehus stated that the Board wanted to preserve upland, and he sees the mitigation plan as <br />a net loss for the City. Mr. Payton responded the site was a part of the Anoka County <br />Park System so the question was posed to the County for options on wetland mitigation. <br />Vice Chair Mach inquired if it was common practice to go to the County level. Mr. <br />Payton answered the wetland impact and mitigation was all under the jurisdiction of the <br />Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />Trehus questioned the number of acres in the proposed expansion. Mr. Payton pointed <br />out the basin was 3.62 acres at the Target site, so they were working with the watershed <br />district to complete up to 25% of the park. He indicated that 2.5 to,3,,;aCcxs were fairly <br />yt�s�:}w ii+ <br />small and there were other potential sites for mitigation. Mr. Payton advised that rock <br />finds results found arrowheads in the motocross area and shovT'samples confirmed 1977 <br />or 1978 field review reports noting the area for the potentiatsite. <br />Donlin agreed the findings concluded there was archeologcal'`significance because it was <br />a travel path for Native Americans through the Chain"hof Laks., Slue inquired about the <br />consultants who obtained the records from 197,or 1978. Mr.Payton answered they were <br />ot <br />acquired by the document team. "` <br />Donlin questioned the validity of the findings b'dcause of their bias implied by the firms' <br />funding. Mr. Payton explained the consultants were a reputable and well known <br />company that would not falsify information <br />Donlin asked for confirmation ithaeRyanTwould be up front with the City on the results of <br />the study. Mr. Payton assured the Board that it would be honest with the findings. <br />Trehus inquired aboutithewater volumes of the basins. Mr. Payton noted the red areas of <br />the map werefthehinfltration:�areas. He noted that John Powell suggested depressing the <br />Southwest and Noxtlwest areas, because the numbers would remain the same. The <br />Southeast had been removed in the newest plan. <br />Trehus quqstione45 e size of the site, and the movement of the water as to where it was <br />going and the volumes. Mr. Payton responded the site was a little less than 48 acres. The <br />storage volume for the wet component was 13.5 acre feet. The requirement is 5.5 acres. <br />Any two inch rainfall events would be able to go out of a two inch diameter tube. <br />2 <br />
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