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12/14/2005 P&Z Packet
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12/14/2005 P&Z Packet
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AGENDA ITEM V.A. <br />• <br />STAFF ORIGINATOR: Paul Bengtson <br />P & Z MEETING DATE: December 14, 2005 <br />TOPIC: Final Plan <br />YMCA <br />Legacy at Woods Edge <br />BACKGROUND <br />The Rice Creek Chain of Lakes YMCA has applied for a Planned Unit Development final plan for a single <br />tenant health club within the Legacy at Wood's Edge project located on the southeast quadrant of Interstate <br />35W and Lake Drive. The final plan consists only of the building plans for the YMCA, as the lot on which it is <br />proposed to be built was already platted as part of the Village No. 3 final plat. <br />The City of Lino Lakes formed a partnership with the Greater Saint Paul YMCA in 1998 to assist in the <br />construction of a YMCA in Lino Lakes. In 2005 a contract was approved whereby the city agreed to provide 6.7 <br />•acres of land, $1.5 million for construction, plus utilities to the site in exchange for a YMCA of approximately <br />50,000 square feet that includes a teen center, gym, indoor pools, cardiovascular /strength training area, aerobic <br />studio, family program space and a child care area. In return, the YMCA agreed in part, to adhere to the <br />principles of the Town Center Design Guidelines. <br />This item was continued at the November 9th regular meeting and since this time the applicant has submitted <br />some revised drawings for staff review. These drawings did not encompass a complete submittal and therefore <br />a complete review could not be completed by staff. The staff also held the inaugural meeting of the Legacy <br />Architectural Review Committee. Board members Laden, Root, and Tralle attended and through a discussion <br />with city staff compiled a list of comments for the applicant. This letter is included as an attachment to this <br />report. Unfortunately the city does not have reproducible copies of the submitted plans. They will be available <br />for review at the meeting or at City Hall at any time. <br />Staff is recommending that this item be continued to the January 11, 2006 meeting so that they applicant has <br />time to address all of the comments they have received. The applicant was mailed a notice of extension for the <br />review period which would now expire on February 8, 2006. This means that barring the applicant granting the <br />city an extension the board would have to make a recommendation at the January 11t h meeting and the City <br />Council would have to act on the item at the January 23`d meeting. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />• 1. Legacy Architectural Review Committee Notes from December 6, 2005. <br />
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