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In accordance with the approved residential site plan, 0.69 acres (25,267 square feet) of existing <br />wetland within the northwest corner of the site will be excavated and filled with sandy subsoil to <br />facilitate grading for residential lots. As previously estimated, CCES estimates that 537 cubic <br />yards of organic wetland soil could be excavated and stockpiled from this wetland soil `donor' <br />site and spread within the planned 1.99 acre wetland mitigation area at a depth of 2 inches, to <br />better facilitate the successful establishment of a diverse wetland plant community within the <br />wetland mitigation area. Furthermore, CCES recommends that the surface wetland soils <br />containing weed species (such as Reed Canary Grass) should be removed and discarded prior to <br />the excavation of suitable organic wetland subsoils that are free of weed species. In order to <br />achieve the planned final grade and spot elevations of the mitigation wetland, the sandy <br />subsurface soils of the wetland mitigation area will need to be graded below final grade to <br />accommodate the spreading of the native organic wetland soils donated from other areas of the <br />site. Final grade and spot elevations of the wetland mitigation area will be met with the re- <br />distribution of the native organic wetland soil during final grading and prior to seeding. <br />Wildlife Observations <br />During the spring and summer surveys of the Foxborough site, CCES ecologists observed five <br />species of mammals, six amphibian species, three reptile species, and eighteen bird species. <br />Table 1 provides a summary of all animal species observed within, or adjacent to, the <br />Foxborough property while conducting the 2005 surveys. Additional focused faunal surveys in <br />future years will likely result in additional wildlife species observations. <br />Rare Plants and Animals <br />Two animal species observed during the ecological surveys of Foxborough are listed as Special <br />Concern in Minnesota by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (Snapping Turtle and <br />American White Pelican). Special Concern species are not protected under Minnesota's <br />endangered and threatened species legislation (Minnesota Statutes 84.0895). Furthermore, the <br />observation of numerous American White Pelicans was a high - altitude migratory fly -over, and <br />was not directly associated with the natural areas of the Foxborough property. <br />No state - listed vascular plant species were documented within the Foxborough site during the <br />2005 surveys. However, several rare plant populations have been recently documented by CCES <br />ecologists and Marty Asleson (City of Lino Lakes) within close proximity to the Foxborough <br />property. Such species include: Tubercled Rein Orchid (Platanthera flava var. herbiola; State <br />Endangered), Lance - Leaved Violet (Viola lanceolata; State Threatened), and Clinton's Bulrush <br />(Scirpus clintonii; State Special Concern). Marginal suitable habitat exists within Foxborough's <br />conservation areas for all three of these species. Moreover, future restoration and management <br />of natural vegetation may result in the voluntary re- establishment of these and other associated <br />rare species within Foxborough's conservation areas. Future monitoring of restored and <br />managed natural areas should include rare plant surveys for rare plant species of the Anoka Sand <br />Plain. <br />Foxborough Conservation Development Restoration and Management Plan 12 <br />