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Table 1. Wildlife observations during the April - July 2005 surveys: <br />Mammals <br />Scientific Name <br />Common Name <br />Notes <br />Odocoileus virginianus <br />White- tailed deer <br />Throughout, browsing and trails evident <br />Peromyscus sp. <br />Unknown mouse <br />In old fields <br />Procyon lotor <br />Raccoon <br />Forest/wetland edges <br />Scurius carolinensis <br />Gray squirrel <br />In woodlands and forest <br />Tamiascurius hudsonicus <br />Red squirrel <br />In woodlands and forest <br />Amphibians <br />Bufo americanus <br />American toad <br />Calling and breeding <br />Hyla versicolor <br />Grey tree frog <br />Calling and breeding <br />Psuedacris crucifer <br />Spring peeper <br />Calling and breeding <br />Psuedacris triseriata <br />Western chorus frog <br />Calling and breeding <br />Calling and breeding <br />Rana pipiens <br />Northern leopard frog <br />Rana sylvatica <br />Wood frog <br />Observed along wetland edges <br />Reptiles <br />Chelydra serpentine <br />Snapping turtle* <br />In wetlands eastern edge of site <br />Chrysemys picta <br />Painted turtle <br />In open water wetlands <br />Thamnophis sirtalis <br />Garter snake <br />Within old fields, several observed <br />Birds <br />Anas discors <br />Blue winged teal <br />Pair observed in open water wetlands <br />Anas platyrhynchos <br />Mallard ducks <br />Breeding pair <br />Ardea alba <br />Great (white) egret <br />Fly over <br />Ardea herodeas <br />Great blue heron <br />In large wetland complex to south and east <br />Botaurus lentiginosus <br />American bittern <br />Calling in wetlands to east and north <br />Bubo virginianus <br />Great horned owl <br />Oak forest, northeast edge of site <br />Buteo jamaicensis <br />Red tail hawk <br />Forest and old field edges <br />Carduelis tristis <br />American goldfinch <br />Oak forest, aspen edges, old fields <br />Corvus brachyrhynchos <br />American crow <br />Oak forest <br />Cyanocitta cristata <br />Blue jay <br />Oak forest <br />Grus canadensis <br />Sandhill crane <br />Calling in wetlands to south, fly over <br />Pelecanus erythrorhynchos <br />American white pelican* <br />Numerous, high altitude migratory flyover <br />Picoides pubescens <br />Downy woodpecker <br />Oak forest <br />Poecile atricapillus <br />Black- capped chickadee <br />Oak forest <br />Porzana carolina <br />Sora <br />Calling in wetlands to south <br />Quiscalus quiscula <br />Common grackle <br />Throughout site <br />Sitta carolinensis <br />White breasted nuthatch <br />Oak forest <br />Turdus migratorius <br />American robin <br />Hardwood forest <br />Asterisks denote species listed as Special Concern in Minnesota by the MN Department of Natural Resources. <br />Foxborough Conservation Development Restoration and Management Plan 13 <br />