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• <br />IV. Restoration and Management Needs and Recommendations <br />Foxborough Restoration and Management Goals <br />• Restore, manage, and improve pre- existing moderate and low quality natural <br />communities and natural resources within Foxborough's conservation areas; <br />• Re- establish and/or restore native vegetation cover within highly disturbed and non- <br />native landscape areas within the conservation areas that is ecologically appropriate and <br />suited to the environmental conditions of the site and is suitable to proposed human uses <br />and desired site aesthetics; <br />• Establish trails and conservation signage (and other infrastructure) that help facilitate <br />sustainable natural resource management and other programmed activities. Trails should <br />offer access and provide opportunities for passive recreational opportunities, such as <br />walking, jogging, cross - country skiing, wildlife observation, and nature interpretation; <br />• Provide recreational and educational opportunities for the residents of Foxborough and <br />trail users that are compatible with sustaining, restoring, and improving the natural <br />vegetation and ecological functions of Foxborough's conservation areas; <br />• Implement surface water and public infrastructure planning and development within the <br />site and adjacent landscape that compliments (and does not further degrade) the natural <br />resources of the site; <br />• Identify and capitalize on opportunities to connect Foxborough's restored natural areas <br />with adjacent natural areas, either through reestablishing and improving <br />ecological/habitat connections and pedestrian/recreational connections, or through <br />developing educational programs, volunteer opportunities, and collaborative relationships <br />with adjacent landowners, future conservation developments, and/or local and state <br />government agencies. <br />Prescribed Native Plant Communities <br />Much of the existing vegetation of Foxborough's conservation areas is currently in a moderate to <br />low quality natural condition or degraded semi- natural condition. All natural areas within the <br />designated conservation areas will require considerable resources to restore and/or manage <br />vegetation as natural plant communities well into the future. Furthermore, areas of very <br />disturbed semi - natural vegetation and non - native cover (i.e. degraded wet meadows, old- fields, <br />and buckthorn - infested woodlands and forests), will require restoration tasks such as invasive <br />and exotic vegetation removal, chemical and manual treatments and/or biological controls of <br />noxious weed species, and replanting /reseeding with native plant community cover. <br />To minimize the resources require for restoring and managing native Vegetation within <br />Foxborough's conservation areas, pre - existing natural communities will not be converted to <br />other natural community types. Figure 6 illustrates the location and extent of prescribed natural <br />and semi - natural vegetation types within Foxborough's conservation areas. Rather, existing <br />natural communities will be managed, improved, and augmented with appropriate native species <br />seed mixes and plantings when necessary. Non - native landscape types, such as old- fields and <br />Foxborough Conservation Development Restoration and Management Plan 14 <br />