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12/13/2000 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
12/13/2000 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />December 13, 2000 <br />Page 2 <br />V. ACTION ITEMS <br />A. Chris Lyden, 6275 Holly Drive, Variance <br />Staff presented the application by explaining Chris Lyden owns 4.07 acres of property, <br />zoned rural, at 6275 Holly Drive. Since the ordinance requires a minimum of ten acres in <br />the rural zoning district, this property is a pre- existing non - conforming lot of record. Mr. <br />Lyden would like to construct a 34 -foot by 64 -foot pole barn on the property using metal <br />siding and roofing material. The Zoning Ordinance specifically prohibits metal siding <br />and roofing material on properties less than five (5) acres in size. The proposed <br />construction will meet the square footage requirement and setback requirements. <br />Staff reviewed the findings of fact that need to be met for variance consideration and <br />indicated staff does not believe this variance criteria can be met in this case since Mr. <br />Lyden can construct a wood frame building, on footings with •• , q lab, that would have a <br />similar effect to a post frame building although it may be m cos ._. Staff advised it <br />has received numerous requests for such construction a ouraged the <br />variance procedure because in most cases, the reques ,. a = on the additional <br />construction costs. <br />Staff presented its analysis of the request, n• • t icant has described his hardship <br />as follows-: <br />1. Pole barn type construction is <br />2. Pole barn type construction, w <br />mid - engine all wood day <br />3. Pole barn type construct <br />Mr. Rafferty arrived a <br />Mr. Johnson inqui <br />recently tested, or i <br />question but, perhap <br />is property due to questionable soils. <br />ent floor, is necessary to preserve 1958 <br />o moisture factors. <br />reduce threat of loss from grass fires. <br />mg the questionable soil issue and asked if they had been <br />soil was involved. Mr. Smyser stated he is unable to answer that <br />the applicant could provide that information. <br />Mr. Johnson noted a building that conforms to the Code can be constructed without a <br />slab. He asked if that type of building can be constructed on questionable soils. Mr. <br />Smyser stated he does not know. <br />Mr. Corson asked if the concern is the corrugated siding due to the image and desire to <br />have accessory buildings match the appearance of the house. Mr. Smyser stated that is <br />correct as well as an attempt to keep less rural sized lots from being covered with pole <br />barns since they are typically not the most aesthetically pleasing structures. He noted that <br />pole barns are allowed on larger sized rural parcels. <br />Mr. Zych asked if the property behind the applicant's land remains undeveloped so it <br />would not infringe on a neighbor's rights. Mr. Smyser stated the surrounding property is <br />wetland and he doubts a house could be built on it. <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />
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