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11/14/2001 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/14/2001 P&Z Minutes
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7/17/2014 11:44:21 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />November 14, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />Staff reviewed that Mr. Willard Morton's firm, SSR & W Development, LLC, owned <br />property in Lino Lakes. The SSR & W property includes 80+ acres in Section 9. The <br />application is to split off 11 acres from an existing 40 -acres parcel, and combine the new <br />11 -acre piece with a one -acre strip that connects to Main St. SSR & W would then sell <br />the new lot to allow for a new home site. Staff understood that Mr. Brad Racutt wanted <br />to buy the property and build a new home. <br />Staff explained the application raised numerous important issues regarding <br />implementation of the long -range plan for the City, as represented in the 2001 <br />comprehensive plan. <br />Staff presented its analysis by explaining the comprehensive plan guided the site for low <br />density sewered residential development. It was in a stage 2 area, so utilities would not <br />be available until after year 2010. It was important to protect t ange plan by <br />ensuring the ability to serve future development with approp s. This included <br />road access and circulation as well as utilities. <br />Staff stated there was a conceptual greenway indica <br />Greenways were conceptual because creating them <br />actually purchasing the land, the City must de <br />submitted. The long -range plan for a road in the <br />need to consider the potential for presery <br />f the area. <br />ity based: Short of <br />e de elopment proposals <br />uld, at the appropriate time, <br />With respect to zoning, staff explai l • t ite w 9'`s zoned Rural, with a minimum lot size <br />of 10 acres with a minimum of <br />Staff stated the park dedic <br />Staff explained the <br />frontage on a publ' ' "' a+ ° cate <br />e proposal met the lot size requirements. <br />5 for each lot created by a subdivision. <br />i on ordinance required all lots to have their full <br />treet (Sec. 1001.08 Subd. 6(1)). The intent was to <br />prevent flag lots and p de for safe, efficient access and circulation within the City, <br />including adeq lice':'`: d fire department access. <br />In past discussio regarding this application, City staff had suggested a means to address <br />this requirement. taff recommended creating a road easement along the eastern edge of <br />the property, including the one -acre strip leading to Main Street. The applicant took a <br />different approach by proposing a road easement along the southern portion of the <br />property. Access to the property would be from Main Street. <br />With respect to transportation, staff explained the City required that all new lots have the <br />full frontage on a public road. City staff recommended creating a road easement along <br />the eastern edge of the property, including the one -acre strip leading to Main Street. This <br />would provide frontage on a public road right of way, though there would be no need to <br />actually construct the road now. <br />Recommendations for Planning District 3 from the 2001 Comprehensive Plan included <br />investigating the possibility of an easterly connection to Main Street. The Transportation <br />Plan recommended this connection in the vicinity of the eastern end of Oak Lane and <br />West Rondeau Lake Rd. <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />
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