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10/27/1993 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
10/27/1993 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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P & Z Work Session <br />10/27/93 <br />• The options presented included 7 -10 lots with less than 10,800 <br />square feet of upland. Mr. Schones asked what the developers <br />definition of "up- land" was. Mr. Johnson explained that "up- land" <br />meant that area outside of both the wetland and the ordinary high <br />water mark. Darrell Schneider explained that the RCWD has just <br />completed a study of the flood plain in this area and found that <br />the 100 year flood elevation is 900.5 which, according to Mr. <br />Johnson, corresponds to their estimated edge of the wetlands. <br />• <br />• <br />Mr. Schones asked what it would cost the typical homeowner wishing <br />to connect to sewer in this area. City Engineer Schneider <br />explained that the residents in this area would pay a standard fee <br />based on the average sized lot in the development - for example <br />75' -80', even if their particular lot was 125' or more or less. <br />That fee would be roughly between $11,000 - $12,000. Mr. Schneider <br />further explained that the City would benefit from the extension of <br />utilities into this area because the developer would pay for the <br />construction but the trunk line would be sized to serve the entire <br />area. Future extensions to the north and south to serve existing <br />properties would be less costly because of this. <br />Planning Consultant Brixius reviewed some general planning <br />objectives for the Planning & Zoning Board to consider in regard to <br />this development. (Specific considerations are outlined in the <br />Planner's report dated October 12, 1993) Generally these <br />considerations included the long range plans for this area. The <br />City's 1987 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject site as <br />"expansion residential" and logical for the extension of utilities <br />before the year 2010. This expansion is anticipated to be market <br />driven. In addition, the City's Comprehensive Sewer Plan shows an <br />extension of sewer into this area. Past planning efforts have <br />identified this as an area that will be served by sewer. The P &Z <br />and CC need to determine if previous decisions regarding the area <br />are still valid. If the answer to that question is yes - then the <br />next question is timing. <br />The next item reviewed by Mr. Brixius involved Land Use <br />Compatibility. A portion of the area in question is Zoned Rural <br />with a current 10 acre lot minimum. Many of these lots are platted <br />at 2 1/2 acres. With the developer paying the way, there is an <br />opportunity to get sewer and water utilities extended into this <br />area. The City is aware of septic system failures in the vicinity <br />and this would be an opportunity to bring utilities closer to areas <br />where there is a potential for ground water pollution. The <br />ultimate solution to failing systems may be the extension of public <br />sewer - the City must evaluate how this may be implemented in the <br />future - with or without the proposed development. <br />COMMENTS FROM RESIDENTS: <br />Holly Hunt, 7786 Sunset thanked the P & Z for inviting the <br />residents to the work session. She expressed concern about high <br />density housing. With 2 - 6 acre parcels in the area Plan A did <br />not appear to be consistent with the area. They moved to the area <br />to get away from "postage stamp sized lots ". Although she <br />2 <br />
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