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10/11/1989 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/11/1989 P&Z Minutes
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7/17/2014 2:27:04 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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PLANNING & ZONING MEETING <br />October 11, 1989 <br />Ron Stahlberg explained the flow of the system to the board. <br />He stated that this project will be done in phases. <br />After further discussion a motion was made. <br />MOTION: Mr. Chase moved to recommend to City Council <br />approval of the concept plan for sewer service area one (near <br />Birch Street and Ware Road). Sally Kuether seconded the <br />motion and the motion was approved unanimously. <br />REVIEW OF CONCEPT PLAN FOR LENA BILLEK PROPERTY (NEAR SECOND <br />AVENUE AND LAKE DRIVE). RON STAHLBERG <br />Ron Stahlberg wishes to change the concept plan. The board <br />never received a copy of the concept plan, but Ron explained <br />that he just wanted this to be a verbal presentation and the <br />board will be able to review the concept plan before it <br />council action. <br />Ron would like to add a cul -de -sac to the plan and delete the <br />five lots adjacent to 2nd Avenue. <br />A pre- construction meeting was held October llth. <br />After further discussion a motion was made. <br />MOTION: Mr. Irwin moved to recommend to City Council that <br />modifications in the plan be approved. Robert King seconded <br />the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR TOM VAIL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN <br />ULMER'S RICE LAKE ADDITION. APPLICATION #89 -47. <br />Tom Vail is the owner of single - family residence at 7081 Rice <br />Lake Drive. Vail's dwelling is located on an approximate <br />one -acre parcel of Ulmer's Rice Lake Addition. <br />With the development of Menkveld's Sunrise Meadows, sanitary <br />sewer has become available to property adjacent to Second <br />Avenue. This includes Vail's large lot which has access to <br />both Second Avenue and Rice Lake Drive. <br />The board reviewed a certificate of survey. The applicant <br />wishes to subdivide his lot creating two 75 x 150 foot <br />single - family lots adjacent to Second Avenue. Vail would <br />keep the front half of his present lot where his dwelling and <br />drainfield are located (That is depicted as Lot A). <br />Mr. Chase asked about any assurance that Mr. Vail's dwelling <br />will be hooked up to city utilities. Vail has a well and <br />septic system now. Pete Kluegel said that if there was a <br />problem with the septic system there is sufficient room to <br />install a new one. The applicant would not be required to <br />hook up to utilities if his systems failed. Pete Kluegel <br />Page 2 <br />
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