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04/10/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/10/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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1 X04 <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />April 10, 1985 <br />Chairman McLean called to order the April 10, 1985 meeting of <br />the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board at 7:04 P.M. Present: <br />Goldade, Ostlie, Klaus, Prokop, Doocy. Absent: Cody, who joined <br />the meeting about 7:10 P.M. Also present: Mr. Kluegel, Buiding <br />Official; Mr. Kulaszewicz, Council Liaison; Mrs. Foster, Secre- <br />tary; Mr. Johnson, City Planner. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - March 13, 1985 <br />Mrs. Klaus suggested the following changes be made to the March <br />13, 1985 minutes: 1) Page Two, under "New Platting Ordinance ", <br />change the word "basis" to "basic" in line two, 2) Page Four, <br />under "Sign Ordinance - Amendment ", change the last sentence of <br />the second paragraph to read "Portable signs are allowed for one <br />thirty -day period per year at a single address. ". <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the March 13 minutes as corrected <br />above. Mr. Prokop seconded the motion. Carried unanimously. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the following action by City Council on <br />issues recently before the Planning and Zoning Board: <br />March 25 Council approved the pole barn application by <br />Mr. Spetzman subject to the stipulations suggested by <br />P & Z. <br />Public Hearing was set for the Sampair horse breeding/ <br />boarding application for April 22, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. <br />City Council at April 8 meeting established a $160 park <br />dedication fee per unit or 100 of land in lieu of cash. <br />This was established as an interim policy until which <br />time as a permanent policy can be established. The fee <br />will be collected at the time of issuance of building <br />permits. <br />Council decided against the proposal of the City Planner <br />with regard to "Platting Ordinance ". The Council felt <br />that the P & Z should review all subdivisions rather than <br />having the smaller subdivisions reviewed only by staff <br />as proposed. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />No one appeared before open mike. <br />AUDREY BURQUE - METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION <br />Mr. Zack Johnson had submitted to the P & Z a two -page memo <br />with regard to an road access plan as directed by the P & Z. <br />This plan outlines his recommendations for a future road <br />pattern for the Audrey Burque Metes and Bounds Subdivision <br />application as well as the Paul Tubbs Metes and Bounds Subdivi- <br />sion application. These recommendations will allow the City <br />to require easements in the appropriate areas for future roads. <br />
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