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09/11/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/11/1985 P&Z Agenda & Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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P1 ANN ; AND 7,0N 1': :', -ARD 1 3 5 <br />Sept ember 11 , 1 5 <br />Chairman McLean called to order the regular meeting of the Planning <br />Iand Zoning Board at 7:10 P.M., Wednesday, September 11, 1985. Pre- <br />sent: Doocy, Klaus, Ostlie. Absent: Prokop, Goldade, Cody. Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz, Council Liaison; 1?r. Kluegel, Building Official; Mr. <br />Marier, Council Member and Mrs. Foster, Secretary were also present. <br />IMr. Kluegel also mentioned that the Park Board met on 9/9/85 and <br />arranged a time to tour the City to examine the parks and also to <br />begin their task of finding and acquiring property in the southeast <br />corner of the City for park purposes. Mr. Kluegel extended the <br />Park Board's invitation to the P 8 Z Board to join them on the tour <br />and /or convey any suggestions as to possible park property in the <br />southeast corner. The Board was also made aware of a vacancy on <br />the Park Board., <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - August 14, 1985 <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to approve the minutes of the 8/14/85 meeting of the <br />P 8 Z Board as presented. Motion seconded by Mr. Doocy and carried. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the following actions taken by the City Council <br />at their 8/26/85 meeting: <br />- Public Hearing was set for the Roselyn VanElsberg preliminary <br />plat for 8:00 P.M. on September 23, 1985 <br />Public Hearing was set for Gary Uhde /GM Development request <br />for a conditional use permit for land reclamation for 7:45 P.M. <br />on September 23, 1985. <br />- Three separate metes and bounds conveyances for Steve Bailey, <br />Dorothy Kvitek, and Robert Knabe were approved per the P 6 Z's <br />recommendations. <br />EL REHBEIN 8 SONS - VARIANCE <br />Mr. Jeff Joyer represented El Rehbein 8 Sons in their request for a <br />variance to setback requirements on a County Road (Birch Street). <br />This request was to build a house facing Totem Trail at the corner <br />of Birch Street. The length of the particular house proposed would <br />not fit on the assumed 100' frontage on Totem Trail which would cause <br />the garage end of the house to be a 24' setback rather than the <br />required 40' setback from Birch Street. <br />Mr. Joyer pointed out the following reasons for planning the house <br />on the lot as proposed: 1) for a lighter traffic pattern in front <br />of the house, it should be set facing Totem Trail, 2) to limit <br />Ithe noise of Birch Street, the garage should be on the north end of <br />the home, 3) a precedent has been set by the other homes on Birch <br />Street to allow less than a 40' setback, 4) topography and possible <br />marginal land in the back yard would inhibit locating the house <br />differently on the property, 5) the prospective buyer wants the <br />house plan proposed and a different style house would not be as <br />
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