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04/08/1987 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
04/08/1987 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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r <br />PLANNING & ZONING BOARD <br />April 8, 1987 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Cody. Boardmembers present: <br />Prokop, Nelson, Averbeck, Joyer, Irwin. Mr. McLean joined the meeting <br />at 7:04 P.M. Also present were Mr. Kluegel, Building Official; Mr. <br />Schumacher, City Administrator; Mr. Marier, Council Liaison; Mr. <br />Stahlberg, City Engineer; Mr. Johnson, City Planner; Mrs. Foster, <br />Secretary. Mr. Bisel, Councilman joined the meeting Later. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - March 11, 1987 <br />Mr. Prokop moved to accept the minutes of the 3/11/87 P & Z Board <br />as presented. Mrs. Averbeck seconded the motion which carried with <br />Mr. McLean abstaining. <br />OPEN MIKE - Judy Domning <br />Mrs. Domning appeared before the Board explaining that her home on <br />Birch Street is a single family home with a mother -in -law apartment <br />on the upper floor. The home was built in 1974 with a building permit <br />issued by the former Building Official. The Domnings wish to obtain <br />financing on their home and have been told by the financing institution <br />that their home does not qualify for financing because it is a non - <br />III conforming use due to the mother -in -law apartment. In order to qual- <br />ify for financing, Mrs. Domning asked if the P F Z Board could recom- <br />mend a variance in order to salve the financing problem. <br />• <br />Boardmembers briefly discussed the issue at hand. Chairman Cody then <br />suggested that the Domnings request a letter from the City Administrator <br />which would explain the situation to the financing institution and would <br />hopefully clear up the problem. If this step does not satisfy the <br />financing institution, the Domnings could then return to the P & Z <br />Board. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the following actions taken by the City Council <br />at recent meetings: <br />- The proposed Comprehensive Plan is still before the Metropolitan <br />Council for their review. <br />- City Planner, Zack Johnson has submitted his resignation as City <br />Planner due to the fact that he feels his company cannot provide <br />the level of staffing required by the City of Lino Lakes. <br />- A variance was granted to Ken Chapeau to allow an additional <br />96 square feet to his garage at 1243 81st St. (per P & Z recom- <br />mendations). Action taken at 3/23/87 Council meeting. <br />- A variance was granted to Mike Wise to allow a fence on his <br />property which is taller than allowed by ordinance (per P 6 Z <br />recommendations). Action taken at 3/23/87 Council meeting. <br />- A house move -in permit was approved for Albert Thiltgen (per <br />P & Z recommendations). Action taken at 3/23/87 Council meeting. <br />
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