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01/08/1986 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
01/08/1986 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />PLANNING & ZONING BOARD <br />January 8, 1986 <br />Chairman McLean called to order the regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning <br />and Zoning meeting at 7:02 P.M., Wednesday, January 8, 1986. Members present: <br />Cody, Doocy, Prokop, Klaus. Members absent: Goldade, Ostlie. Also present <br />were Mr. Johnson, City Planner; Mr. Kluegel, Building Official and Mrs. Foster, <br />Secretary. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - December 11, 1985 <br />Mr. Doocy noted that page four of the 12/11/85 minutes indicates a motion which <br />was made by Mr. Doocy which was inadvertently placed under the wrong topic of <br />discussion. He brought this concern to the secretary's attention before this <br />evening's meeting. In reviewing the tape recording of the 12/11/85 meeting, the <br />secretary found that this error has indeed occurred. Mr. Doocy asked that the <br />following paragraph be added to the 12/11/85 minutes under the topic of "Paul <br />Tubbs - Metes & Bounds Subdivision ", to replace the incorrect paragraph, page <br />4, 12/11/85 minutes: <br />"MOTION: Mr. Doocy moved to refer the Paul Tubbs Metes & Bounds Subdivision <br />to the Park Board for their recommendations before Council approval. Mrs. <br />Klaus seconded the motion. Motion carried." <br />Mr. Doocy also questioned two areas within the 12/11/85 minutes wherein the <br />P & Z Board requested that items be "forwarded to Council ". He seemed to <br />recall that the P & Z Board asked that these two items be "returned to P & Z ". <br />The concensus of the Board was that these items were meant to be "forwarded <br />to Council ", therefore no change was requested with respect to this concern. <br />MOTION: Mr. Prokop moved to approve the minutes of the 12/11/85 P & Z meeting <br />to include Mr. Doocy's correction regarding the Paul Tubbs Park Board review. <br />Mr. Cody seconded the motion which carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mr. Roger Kolstad represented Russ Holman and Voyageur Log Homes asking the <br />feasibility of erecting a 10' X 20', doorless, wireless, windowless, unattended <br />temporary "model" of a Voyageur Log Home. This model would be erected close <br />to Arctic Sandblasting just off 35W and a 4' X 8' sign would be put on the roof <br />for advertising purposes, and be on the Forrest Tagg property (light industrial), <br />Mr. Johnson recommended that this request be handled as a sign permit and he <br />also recommended that travel to the "model" be restricted rather than encouraged. <br />Mr. McLean asked that the applicant approach this request as a sign permit and <br />confer with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kluegel to research the requirements of a sign <br />per the sign ordinance. Mr. Kluegel was reminded to check the spacing between <br />this and nearby signs and take note that the sign ordinance calls for a steel <br />base for a sign of this size. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />• Mr. Kluegel reported that the 12/23/85 Council approved A -Well /Paul Wolter's <br />request for an amended conditional use permit requiring a $1,500 escrow to <br />assure that stipulations of the C.U.P. are satisfied by 6/15/86. Also the <br />Paul Tubbs subdivision (including the requested road adjustment) was approved. <br />
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