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09/10/1986 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/10/1986 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD <br />September 10, 1986 <br />Chairman Doocy called to order the regular meeting of the Lino Lakes <br />Planning and Zoning Board at 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, September 10, <br />1986. Members present: Klaus, McLean, Averbeck, Nelson, Prokop. <br />Mr. Cody arrived at 7:10 P.M. Others present: Kluegel, Building <br />Official; Schumacher, Administrator; Wuornos, Planner; and Foster, <br />Secretary. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1986 <br />Mrs. Klaus asked that on Page 3, fourth paragraph, the word "bearming" <br />be changed to "berming ". Mr. Prokop moved to approve the minutes <br />including this correction. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion which <br />carried unanimously. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported the following action at recent Council meetings: <br />- Public hearing has been set for Bob Nickelson for 9/22/86 at 8:15 <br />P.M <br />- Public hearing has been set for Custom Contractors for 9/22/86 <br />at 8:30 P.M. <br />- Public hearing has been set for Paul Wolters for 9/22/86 at <br />8:45 P.M. <br />- City Council approved amending the budget to cover current cost <br />overrun for the Comp Plan Task Force plus an aditional $3,000 <br />to cover allthe Task Force consultant fees through completion <br />of the project. <br />Mr. Doocy asked the status of the sign ordinance issue which was <br />discussed at the last P & Z meeting. From review of 8/25/86 <br />Council minutes he understood that the City Attorney requested <br />that the recommendations which had been made to revise the sign <br />ordinance be put together as an actual ordinance and added to the <br />City Code. Mr. Doocy questioned why this was requested by the <br />Attorney in light of the fact that these recommendations were <br />presented for a "trial 6 -month period ". Mr. Kluegel explained <br />that the City Attorney felt that to make the recommendations <br />enforceable, they must be included in the City Code as an actual <br />ordinance. If deemed necessary, another amendment could be made <br />to the code after the trial period. <br />PAUL WOLTERS - SITE AND BUILDING PLAN <br />Mr. Kluegel and Mr. Wolters presented the site and building plan <br />for review explaining that the plan calls for a pole building with <br />paved parking, cedar lap siding and some brick on the east side of <br />building (facing Lake Drive). The pole building is proposed for <br />the parcel between the Henry James buildings and A -Well on Lake <br />Drive. Several questions arose as to specifics on the site and <br />building plan resulting in the following motion. <br />MOTION: Mr. Prokop moved to table consideration of the site and <br />building plan for Paul Wolters until such time that the following <br />issues are resolved and presented to the P & Z Board: <br />
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