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09/10/1986 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/10/1986 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Page Two PLANNING & ZONING BOARD <br />111 September 10, 1986 <br />• <br />• <br />- Drainage plan for parking area. <br />- Elevation of loading dock and four parking spots to west <br />resolved. <br />- Applicant consult a landscape design artist and provide a plan <br />for minimum maintenance landscaping for a 5' depth between the <br />parking area and the buiding. (This will require moving the <br />building back further on the lot.) <br />- Applicant consult the electrical utility company to either <br />move the existing power pole from the southern edge of the <br />property or make arrangements for the utility to come under- <br />ground because of the potential safety problem which could <br />result from the power power as it is presently located (in <br />the center of driveway to the south and the proposed driveway. <br />- Legal description should appear on the site and building plan. <br />- Elevations should be at sea level on all documents. <br />- A swale between the property to the south and this property <br />should be indicated on the site and building plan. <br />- The level at which the building will be constructed should be <br />indicated on the site and building plan. <br />- Tentative arrangements should be made for an escrow to assure <br />completion of the project per City policy. (Mr. Kluegel can <br />assist applicant.) <br />Mrs. Averbeck seconded the motion which carried unanimously. <br />TEXT AMENDMENT - PROPOSED ORDINANCE 06 -86 ALLOWING CAR WASH AS A <br />AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN A GENERAL BUSINESS ZONE <br />Mr. Kluegel explained that the Council had their first reading on <br />proposed Ordinance 06 -86 at their 8/25/86 meeting. The Council had <br />concerns with regard to the environmental impact of car washes, the <br />benefits to the tax base from car washes, and the potential traffic <br />problem with the car wash which is proposed for Lilac and Lake Drive. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out that the text amendment to allow a car wash <br />is a separate issue from the proposal of Mr. Otte for a car wash in <br />the Lilac /Lake Drive area. The P & Z Board has not yet even consid- <br />ered site and building plan for that particular car wash. He felt <br />that the Council should recognize the fact that the proposed text <br />amendment would allow as a conditional use a car wash in all general <br />business zones in Lino Lakes and that the proposal was not recommended <br />simply to accommodate one applicant's wishes. <br />Mr. Cody stated that the traffic question that the Council had was <br />with regard to the upcoming Otte proposal and was not germane to <br />"car washes in general business zones ". With regard to the Council's <br />concern as to the taxes which a car wash would generate, he felt that <br />the P & Z does not consider tax generation for any other type of busi- <br />ness - why would they do so only for car washes? <br />With regard to the environmental impact of a car wash, the Board <br />felt that gas stations and the like are allowed in general business <br />zones and no environmental impact statement is required in these <br />
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