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11/12/1986 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
11/12/1986 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />• <br />PLANNING & ZONING BOARD <br />November 12, 1986 <br />Page Two <br />the manner of his operation, just enlarge it. The only cars being <br />repaired are cars that will be placed on the lot for sale. Repair- <br />able cars could number twenty. He does not repair cars for cus- <br />tomers. <br />Mr. Prokop was concerned about water runoff from the enlarged black- <br />top area. Mr. Kohl explained the runoff will be directed to the <br />rear of his property via a swale along the north property line. He <br />has a large area to accommodate this runoff. Mr. Prokop asked Mr. <br />Kluegel to work with Mr. Kohl's contractor to assure the runoff <br />would remain on his property. <br />Mr. Prokop asked Mr. Kohl if repairable cars are stored for an in- <br />definite period of time. Mr. Kohl explained he likes to keep his <br />turn over period to two or three weeks. There are some cases where <br />parts are not readily available or other cars hav- priority. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend approval of application #85 -35 by <br />Robert S. Kohl for property specified in the application to in- <br />crease the parking area as indicated in the site plan, with the <br />stipulations that the blacktopping depth be consistent with black- <br />top previously installed at this lot and as indicated in the origi- <br />nal application for a Conditional Use Permit and that the slope and <br />drainage be checked by the Zoning Official and the turn over rates <br />of the vehicles in the storage area to be as in the original Condi- <br />tional Use Permit ie, the average of approximately one week per <br />vehicle and this improvement be completed by June 30, 1987. Mr. <br />McLean seconded the motion. <br />Mrs. Klaus commented that the display of cars for sale be confined <br />to the blacktopped area and not spilled out onto the grass. Mr. <br />Prokop accepted this comment as an addition to his motion. <br />Voting on the motion, motion carried unanimously. <br />SCHWAN'S ICE CREAM - BOB RYPEKMA <br />A. Minor Subdivision - Mr. Kluegel explained this Board had approved <br />a minor subdivision for Tract "B" at the October Planning and Zoning <br />Board Meeting. At this time Schwan's is proposing to combine this <br />Tract "B" with the original Tract "A" under one description. <br />There was concern because the site plan indicates that there will be <br />three driveways exiting onto 77th Street. Mr. Rypekma explained the <br />driveway near Lake Drive will be omitted and sodded to blend in with <br />the sod currently in place. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend approval of application #86 -30, minor <br />subdivision for Schwan Sales Company, 7690 Lake Drive, combining <br />Tract "A" and Tract "B ", that follows the professional opinion of <br />the Planner. Mrs. Nelson seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />
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