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07/11/1984 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
07/11/1984 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />July 11, 1984 <br />• The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order by Chairman McLean at 7:40 p.m. on July 11, 1984. In attendance <br />were: Ostlie, Goldade, Cody, Doocy. Mrs. Klaus joined at 8:00 p.m. Mr. <br />Prokop was absent. <br />MINUTES - June 13, 1984 <br />Mr. Ostlie noted that on page three, the third paragraph should read "On <br />voting on the original motion, . . . ", to clarify the fact that Mr. <br />Ostlie's motion to extend the GB district to the boundary of State High- <br />way 49 was not seconded and thus, died; and that the motion voted upon <br />was Mr. Prokop's motion in regard to acceptance of rezone application for <br />Mr. Grubbs. <br />Mr. Goldade moved to approve the minutes of June 13, including the change <br />suggested by Mr. Ostlie above. Mr. Cody seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported that Council approved the rezone from NB to GB in <br />regard to the Larry Grubbs -Apitz Garage issue. This rezone is to include <br />the property west of Apitz to Highway 49. <br />TRANSMISSION TOWER AMENDMENT <br />Mr. McLean asked that the agenda be adjusted to cover this agenda item <br />and dog kennel and accessory building lot size issues at this time. <br />In response to Mr. McLean's questioning, Mr. Schumacher reported that <br />Mr. Kluegel has worked with the City Attorney and other cities regarding <br />the radio tower issue which Council turned back to the Planning and Zoning <br />Board. The Board reviewed and discussed the proposed amendment. <br />Mr. Cody made the following motion. I move to recommend for approval <br />from Council that the ordinance relating to transmission, radio, tele- <br />vision and similar types of towers be accepted as set forth in the <br />proposal with the exception of Section 1, subdivision 9, regarding <br />height, in which the last two sentences of such paragraph, which read, <br />"Such towers in excess of two hundred (200) feet shall be allowed only <br />in the light industrial zoned areas upon receipt of a conditional use <br />permit. Also see subdivision 14 of this section." be deleted. Motion <br />seconded by Mr. Doocy. <br />Mr. Cody amended this motion as follows: In view Jf the fact that <br />conditional use permit methodology is referred to prior to that second <br />to the last sentence, it would be appropriate to leave in "Also see <br />subdivision 14 of this section ". So my motion would be to recommend <br />that it be accepted as is with the exception of the second to the last <br />sentence of subdivision 9 entitled "Height ", which should be deleted. <br />Motion for amendment seconded by Mr. Doocy. Motion carried with Mr. <br />Goldade voting no. <br />DOG KENNELS AND ACCESSORY BUILDING LOT SIZE <br />The Board discussed handling these issues at a work session. <br />
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