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07/11/1984 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/11/1984 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />July 11, 1984 <br />0 Mr. Cody moved that agenda item #10 (zoning amendment - dog kennels) be <br />tabled so that this body can further pursue study, and also that agenda <br />item #11 dealing with accessory building lot sizes, initiated by a <br />petition signed by various City landowners be tabled pending further <br />study by this body. Motion seconded by Mr. Ostlie. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Schumacher suggested that because of the large number of requests <br />for kennel licenses, a moratorium be called in regard to this issue. <br />Mr. Cody moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to <br />Council that Section 607 of our ordinance, particularly 607.03 dealing <br />with the issue of conditional use permits for dog kennel licenses be <br />subject to a 120 -day moratorium which would take effect upon Council <br />approval of such moratorium. Motion seconded by Mr. Doocy. Carried. <br />Mr. Kluegel was asked to arrange for a work session meeting of the Plan- <br />ning and Zoning Board to study the dog kennel issue, the accessory <br />building lot size issue and the sign ordinance issue. <br />LARRY GRUBBS - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT /SITE AND BUILDING PLAN <br />Mr. Harvey Karth represented Mr. Grubbs in this ongoing issue. The <br />Board questioned several specifics resulting in the following motion. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to recommend to Council for approval a conditional use <br />40 permit for Larry L. Grubbs -Apitz Garage on site and building plans <br />with the following conditions: That there be no exterior storage at <br />the site except on the north side of the building on the eleven black- <br />top spaces on the drawing (storage of cars only allowed in these spaces); <br />that there be no business signs on the exterior of the building; that <br />the applicant complete landscaping on three sides of the project, parti- <br />cularly screening on the north side; that the driveway on the front <br />be restricted to a 40 -foot entrance on the west side and a 20 -foot <br />entrance on the east side, the remainder of the approximate 159 -foot <br />entrance shown on the drawing have pylons installed to restrict entrance/ <br />exit; that security lighting will be mounted on the outside walls all <br />the way around the building and tipped down. <br />The motion was seconded by Mr. Ostlie. Motion carried. <br />VARIANCE - ROAD WIDTHS - HOMER BRUGGEMAN <br />Mr. McLean reported that in a joint meeting between the Council and <br />the Planning and Zoning Board the P & Z was directed to be looking into <br />the road width issue. <br />Mr. Bruggeman defended his reasons for the 26 -foot road width request <br />and pointed out that two more access roads are being added to the West <br />Oaks area and that these roads will relieve some of the internal traffic. <br />Mr. Goldade moved to table this request until the next Planning and <br />Zoning meeting and consider John Davidson's letter of June 28 in regard <br />to this issue, consider the opinion of the City Planner and opinion of <br />neighboring communities in similar requests. Motion seconded by Mr. <br />Doocy. Motion carried. <br />
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