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02/08/1984 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
02/08/1984 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />• <br />Planning & Zoning Board <br />February 8, 1984 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order <br />at 7:30 P.M, Wednesday, February 8, 1984 by Chairman McLean. Members present: Cody, <br />Doocy, McLean, Prokop and Ostlie. Mrs. Klaus and Mr. Goldade arrived about five <br />minutes later. Mr. Kluegel, Zoning Administrator was also present. <br />MINUTES - January 11, 1984 <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes of the January 11, 1984 meeting as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cody. Motion declared passed. <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - WELDON HENDRICKSON <br />Mr. McLean noted that Mr. Hendrickson will not appear tonight. This action will be <br />delayed until the new sign ordinance is in place. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to table the Weldon Hendrickson Conditional Use Permit for an ad- <br />vertising sign until the new sign ordinance is completed and in place in the City <br />Code. Mr. Ostlie asked when this would be. Mr. Prokop said hopefully this year. <br />Mr. Doocy seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />BUILDING OFFICIALS REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTIONS <br />Mr. Kluegel reported that on January 24, 1984 the Council approved the variance <br />request for lot line revision for Mose Pariseau. <br />Mrs. Klaus noted she had attended a Planning Seminar on Friday and felt it was very <br />helpful and will have more to say about the seminar later. <br />Mr. Doocy questioned the January 23, 1984 Council Minutes under the Engineers Report, <br />paragraph #4, Rice Lake Estates. Mr. Kluegel reported that there had been a working <br />session prior to the regular Council meeting where the feasibility report of Rice <br />Lake Estates was discussed. There was a discussion about extending the trunk line <br />from the present location near Centennial School to the Lino Lakes western border. <br />Mr. Kluegel updated the Board as to when the hearing on the final plat of Rice <br />Lake Estates may be held. <br />VARIANCE - HAROLD HANSEN <br />Mr. McLean is related to Mr. Hansen and asked that Vice - Chairman Ostlie chair the <br />discussion regarding this variance request. <br />Mr. Ostlie took the Chair, Mr. Kluegel pointed out the property on the map and ex- <br />plained this is a request for a variance to split a parcel of approximately 3/4 acre <br />off of Outlot B and add it to Marlin Hansen's lot. The area is zoned Rural and <br />Outlot B is approximately 20+ acres. Marlin's present lot is one acre. <br />Mrs. Klaus asked why he wishes to add the 3/4 acre to his lot. Mr. Hansen said <br />he wanted it for a garden and increase the size of his lot. <br />Mr. Prokop explained that ten acres are required for a lot split in this area and <br />the Board has been holding to this requirement citing the Lindquist variance re- <br />quist as an example. <br />Mrs. Klaus said this does not show a hardship and felt it created a precident. <br />
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