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02/08/1984 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/08/1984 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />• <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />February 8, 1984 <br />Page -2- <br />Mr. Prokop asked if it would be possible to acquire ten acres rather than the 3/4 <br />acre. Mr. Hansen said it could be possible but felt it was absurd. The entire <br />area is swamp and felt it will never be buildable. <br />Mr. Goldade felt that adding 3/4 acre will not make Mr. Marlin Hansen's property <br />any more conforming than it presently is. <br />Mr. Kluegel noted the City Planners letter on this matter. The Planner said the only <br />advantage of granting this request is to make Marlin Hansen's lot less non - conforming. <br />Mr. Hansen asked if he split out nine acres from Outlot B would he still have to come <br />for a variance. He was told if the nine acres did not have 330 feet of frontage <br />he would need a variance to the front footage requirement. <br />Mrs. Klaus asked if Mr. Hansen adds this parcel to his property will Outlots A and <br />B be land locked. Two other accesses were pointed out on the map. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to table this variance request until such time as the question of <br />whether nine or ten acres would be needed. Mr. Hansen and Mr. Kluegel will deal <br />with this question and bring the decision back to the Board Mr. Goldade seconded <br />the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean returned to Chair the remainder of the meeting. <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - PARK BROADCASTING <br />This item is a continuation of a request from the January 11, 1984 Planning and <br />Zoning Board meeting. The request is for a Conditional Use Permit to construct <br />a radio tower in a Rural Zone. <br />Mr. Kluegel pointed out the items included in the packets to the Board members. <br />These items include copies of the Shoreview and Arden Hills Special Use Permits <br />dealing with towers in their cities. Also included is a letter from City Assessor, <br />Margie Roisum dealing with land valuations. Mr. Kluegel read this letter which <br />indicated that if a radio tower was built on the property the use of the land would <br />change to an improved commercial lot. A value would not be placed on the tower it- <br />self as they are treated like a utility and pay a Gross Revenue tax to the state. <br />Estimated taxes payable on this facility to this City would be approximately <br />$2,168. Comparable taxes on a $90,000 improved homestead would be approximately <br />$2,092. <br />Other items included in the Board packets are letters from the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District, Department of Natural Resources and a revised site plan showing the tower <br />located farther to the east of the property. There is material on strobe lighting <br />and a letter from Steve Luck of the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Aviation <br />Representative, Enforcement, Inspection and Safety Section Aeronautics Div. This <br />letter and attachments indicating the tower would obstruct landing patterns at the <br />Anoka County - Blaine Airport. It would also have an electromagnetic effect on nav- <br />igable airspace by aircraft. The letter asks for a meeting with Mr. Fowler of <br />Park Broadcasting to discuss the impact of the proposed construction. <br />Mr. Bruce Hanson from Surfside Seaplane base who is president of the Minnesota <br />Seaplane Pilots Assn. spoke to the Board regarding the hazards the proposed tower <br />would present to his operation. He noted there is no fixed pattern for seaplane <br />traffic but the existing tower on Birch Street is also a problem to them because it <br />
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