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02/22/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/22/1983 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />February 22, 1983 <br />Task Force <br />The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mr. Larry Johnson for the purpose of <br />discussing the citizen comments from the quadrant meetings and possibly reviewing the <br />proposed zoning map. <br />Members present: Johnson, Averbeck, Bloomquist, Dougherty, Goldade, Rosenthal, Howard. <br />Mr. Bill Short, City Planner, Mr. Kluegel and Mr. Schumacher were also present. <br />Mr. Johnson told the task force he had some feelings regarding property that was surr- <br />ounded by one acre lots. At this time this land could only be developed into five acre <br />lots. He asked the task force to think about what they should do about this situation <br />and possibly discuss later. <br />Mr. Short emphasized he felt the Council had appointed the task force for the purpose <br />of seeing what the problems are and receiving the comments and concerns from the comm- <br />unity before the proposed zoning ordinance and map goes to the Council for they review. <br />Mr. Schumacher said he felt the major purpose of the task force was to also get inform- <br />ation out to the community. However, there is no proposal that will satisfy everyone. <br />Mr. Short felt now the task force should make their final adjustments and be prepared <br />to defend their document. <br />Mr. Short distributed a memorandum he prepared summarizing the major issues and concerns <br />brought out at the quadrant meetings. <br />Item #1. Riding Stables. Mr. Short proposed three conditional uses in the Rural Dist- <br />rict. 1). Commercial Horse Breeding Operations (over 20 horses), 2). Commercial Board- <br />ing Stables (over 10 horses), 3). Livery Stables. Arenas such as Rehbein's Arena and <br />the Northwest Saddle Club were discussed and Mr. Short will try to get further informat- <br />ion regarding these two operations for the task force. <br />Item #2. Mr. Short felt that in the Rural District the road - right -of -way should be in- <br />cluded in the total land area. The final decision was for the five and 10 acre lots <br />the minimum size may be calculated in include existing or dedicated roadways or <br />easements but in no case be less than 10 %. <br />Item #3. The task force felt that no land should be purposely landlocked, therefore, <br />future street access should be provided as part of the five and ten acre lot subdivision. <br />Item #4. It was decided to increase the commercial area at the northwest quadrant of <br />Main Street and 135E to include the SZ of the entire parcel. <br />Item #5. In discussing the Lake Drive Commercial strip between I35W and Main STreet, it <br />was decided to leave the map as it is now proposed. <br />Item #6. The area of Lake Drive and Orange Street was discussed it was decided to change <br />this area to a commercial node. <br />Item #7. The area north of the proposed 77th Street extension to 4th Avenue is proposed <br />industrial and the area residents were concerned about this. This land is owned by Moline <br />
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