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02/22/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/22/1983 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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February 22, 1983 <br />Task Force <br />Page -2- <br />Concrete and is also at the end of the air strip. It was felt this was not a good area <br />for residential use. <br />Item #8. It was decided to leave the ER District a five acre lot minimum size and not <br />create a district for one acre lots. <br />Item #9. It was decided to require 330 feet <br />Item #10. It was decided that the lot width <br />County Road J be 360 feet in the ER District <br />Other than this item the area will remain as <br />lot widths in the five and 10 acre lot areas. <br />on Mr. Jenson property on Hodgson Road near <br />and 400 feet in the Commercial District. <br />proposed. <br />Item #11. A number of property owners wanted their property to remain zoned commercial <br />along Hodgson Road. It was decided to leave the district as proposed. <br />Item #12. Mr. Short will check to see how other seaplane bases are zoned. It was felt <br />it should have a zoning of its own. <br />Mr. Harold Lehman from 509 Birch Street appeared before the task force explaining he had <br />been unable to attend the quadrant meeting at the 49 Club. He was told how his property <br />was propsed to be zoned and it was also explained to him he could continue his farming <br />operation as long as he wishes. <br />Mr. Arnold and Melvin Rehbein explained to the task force that they had been to City <br />Hall in the late fall asking to have a twenty acre parcel on 62nd Street divided into two <br />seven acre parcels and one six acre parcel. They were told at that time of the moratorum <br />and upon consulting the Land Use Map it was felt after the moratorum they would be zoned <br />ER and this lot split was permissable. Since then the zoning map has been prepared show- <br />ing this twenty acre parcel as Rural or ten acres minimum lot size. The Rehbein's were <br />told to consult an attorney and have legal papers drawn up showing their proposed three <br />lots and these lots could be recorded in the future when this area is changed from Rural <br />to Expansion Residential. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. and a meeting was planned for 7 :00 p.m. Thursday, <br />February 24, 1983. <br />• <br />
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