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02/15/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/15/1983 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />February 15, 1983 <br />Task Force <br />Informational Meeting <br />The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mr. Larry Johnson. He explained to the <br />audience that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the proposed zoning ordinance, <br />Zoning districts and Land Use Plan. At this meeting only the Northwest quadrant of the <br />City will be discussed this evening. <br />Members of the Task Force and Planning and Zoning Board present: Averbeck, Karth, Rosen- <br />thal, Cody, Goldade, Ostlie, Dougherty, Bloomquist, Johnson, McLean, Klaus, Howard. Mr. <br />Kluegel, City Building Official was also present. <br />Mr. Johnson explained the function of the Task Force and said only the City of Lino Lakes <br />has used its citizens to prepare a zoning ordinance and a zoning map. Since the zoning <br />ordinance and zoning map are still in the drafting stages nothing contained in them is <br />sealed in concrete. The committee wants to take the citizens input tonight. <br />Mr. Bill Short, City Planner explained the District Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance. He <br />said after the task force completes the draft of the map and ordinance it will be given <br />to the Planning and Zoning Board for its approval and then forwarded to the City Council. <br />The Council will then hold public hearings and officially adopt a zoning ordinance and <br />zoning map. <br />Mr. Short gave a brief history of this City's planning beginning with the City adopting <br />the Uniform Building Code, the 1965 zoning ordinance and the 1971 zoning ordinance. How- <br />ever the City did not adopt a zoning map to go with the 1971 zoning ordinance showing <br />e zoning districts. A Comprehensive Land Use Plan was adopted in 1974 and in 1976 <br />he State of Minnesota passed the Land Use Act which required each City, County and <br />School District to prepare and adopt a new Land Use Plan. The state gave Metropolitan <br />Council authority to review all plans. Lino Lakes began preparing its Comprehensive Land <br />Use Plan in 1978 and it was adopted in 1981. The Land Use Plan Map is the foundation of <br />the zoning district map. Mr. Short explained the various classifications on the zoning <br />district map. <br />Mr. Short explained the goals in preparing this zoning ordinance and map were: (1) make <br />sure all municipal services is cost effective; (2)is sensitive to the environment, does <br />not pollute the area; (3) preserve the capacity of the existing roadways, (4) provide <br />for the logical extension of sewer and encourage development where sewer is already ex- <br />tended; (5) provide a variety of housing opportunities. At the present time the Lino <br />Lakes housing stock is comprised of 98% single family dwellings. <br />The Task Force had identified areas that are now developing and identified areas where the <br />City would like to encourage development in an orderly fashion and not force sewers or <br />other municipal services into areas where they would not be reasonable. <br />Jerry Winiecki - 442 Main Street - Mr. Winiecki asked if a multifamily district would <br />create more traffic than a commercial district. Mr. Short read the standards in deter- <br />mining traffic flow and explained that a commercial distric could create three to twelve <br />times the rate of traffic compared to a multifamily district. <br />
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