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02/15/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/15/1983 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />February 15, 1983 <br />Task Force <br />Page -2- <br />Mrs. Steve Fisk - 7769 Meadowview Trail - Asked what were the uses in Light Industrial <br />Districts. Mr. Short read the uses from the proposed ordinance. <br />Hank Amundson - 8057 Aenon Street - Asked what procedure has been established to change <br />a zoning within a particular district. Mr. Short said this could be done by variance, <br />conditional use permit or rezoning. Certain conditions must be met before the Council <br />would approve any change. <br />Mrs. Morehouse - 660 - 79th Street - Asked if a rezone would require Metropolitan Council <br />approval. Mr. Short said possibly yes and could mean adjusting the zoning map and the <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />Arlo Morehouse - 660 -79th Street - Mr. Morehouse owns 40 acres and has one acre lots all <br />around him. As the proposed ordinance now stands he would have to subdivide his land <br />into five acre lots. He feels this is unfair. Mr. Short explained the platted one acre <br />lots are buildable lots, but five acre lots will discourage growth until it is logical <br />to extend sewers into this area. The City had to draw the line somewhere. <br />Brian Dobie - Woodduck Trail - Mr. Dobis asked what was the target figure for residential <br />use in Lino Lakes. What was the target population? How many families per acre? At this <br />point where there is no "sewer it is one family per 10 or 5 acres and where there is sewer, <br />several families per acre. Mr. Dobie feels there should be moderation for instance, one <br />family for one to two and one half acres. Did the task force arrive at their figure be- <br />"ause Metropolitan Council mandated it? <br />Mr. Short explained the Metropolitan Council wanted four dwellings per forty acres. The <br />City compromised with the five acre minimum. In this manner the City has a tool that will <br />put residential areas in a holding pattern but is flexible enough to resubdivide when <br />sewer is available. Mr. Dobie said a person with 40 acres in a one dwelling per five <br />acre area is in a non money making situation. He felt there should be a compromise. <br />Donald Neff - 8202 Lake Drive - Mr. Neff questioned the yellow area along the east side <br />of Lake Drive. He felt the business along Lake Drive north of Main Street who will be <br />outside of the commercial area will be screwed. They cannot expand. <br />Jerry Winiecki - Said his family has land along Lake Drive north of Main Street and bought <br />it for a commercial investment. Now it will be residential, so their investment is out <br />the window. It would be hard to sell this land because there is commercial all around it. <br />He also said that Lino Lakes really only has one good street and now commercial development <br />will be restricted. <br />Hank Amundson felt that one thing this zoning ordinance and map is doing is concentrating <br />the commercial district putting the commercial land in the handsof a few people and they <br />will become rich. <br />Bill Bohjanen - 8060 Lake Drive - Asked if there are any provisions for subdividing lots <br />of less than five acres. Mr. Short said a variance would be required if there are no <br />sewers. Mr. Bohjanen asked will there be a provision for loss of value of property when <br />he property is rezoned from commercial to residential? The Board felt there would be <br />o loss of value. <br />
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