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02/17/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/17/1983 P&Z Minutes
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February 17, 1983 <br />Task Force <br />Informational Meeting <br />e meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Larry Johnson. He welcomed everyone and <br />ntroduced himself and the Task Force and Planning & Zoning Board members. Members pre - <br />sent: Goldade, Karth, Rosenthal, Bloomquist, Dougherty, Cody, Howard, Johnson. Mr. Bill <br />Short, City Planner was also present. <br />Mr. Johnson gave the background of how and why the Task Force was formed. Mr. Short summ- <br />arized the background of Planning for the City of Lino Lakes and summarized the proposed <br />zoning ordinance and zoning map. <br />Paul Connoy - 6312 Baldwin Lake Road - Asked what were the limited businesses that could <br />exist in the ER district? Mr. Short read the uses from the proposed ordinance. <br />Sherry Thompson - 6125 Baldwin Lake Road - Can land be divided by special permit? Mr. <br />Short explained existing lots of less than five acres will be grandfathered in but there <br />will be no subdivision of less than five acres. <br />Reinhard Alexejew - 6110 Baldwin Lake Road - Can certain areas of wetland be drained into <br />the lakes and swamps for development? Mr. Johnson said this at present would require <br />DNR, Rice Creek Watershed and Corp of Army Engineers permits. By the end of this year <br />the City will have to adopt the Shoreland Management Ordinance and this ordinance will <br />contain provisions for this sort of project. <br />Nolan Meyer - 6352 Hodgson Road - He owns the insurance agency at this address and it was <br />explained to him this busines would be grandfathered in but not allowed to expand or rebuild. <br />ry Cormican - 435 Ash Street - Asked if he could subdivide his lot into two lots. He <br />wns ten acres. He was told to talk to Mr. Short after the meeting so it could be looked <br />at,on the half sections maps. <br />Kay Murphy - 6373 Hodgson Road - Asked where R -4 was located. Mr. Short explained. <br />Mr. Johnson noted that this plan will be updated in about five years. <br />Jerry Demars - 7090 Lake Drive - Asked why the area where multi - family units have been <br />planned on Lake Drive has been singled out for Quad homes? Mr. Short explained this area <br />has several types of multi - family dwellings planned, not just quads. Mr. Short read crit- <br />eria needed to establish a multi - family area such as good roads, proximity to shopping <br />areas, possibility of sewers and had natural buffers in back by lakes and front by Lake <br />Drive. Mr. Demars said this is where Rehbein was pushing sewers. <br />Dennis Weible - 6891 Lake Drive - Did not understand why the "carrot" (multi - family dwell- <br />ings) was put in the center of the City. Why was multi - family, commercial and industrial <br />put in the center? Mr. Short explained that it was natural because Lake Drive is a major <br />street with freeway access and this is the area where sewers are likely to be installed <br />first. <br />Mr. Weible said the area has already demonstrated it is not prepared for sewer. <br />Mr. Weible asked when will the area that already has sewer reach capacity? Mr. Short <br />explained the present capacity is 750 but could be revamped to a capacity of 1,400 conn- <br />�ctions. This is projected to satisfy the need of that area. <br />Mr. Weible doubted the validity of the sewer plan. This plan was developed under a different <br />
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