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02/17/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/17/1983 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />February 17, 1983 <br />Task Force <br />Page -2- <br />set of conditions. When it was developed the City Council had sole discretion of where <br />sewer would be installed. Now the conditions have changed. Is it possible to get sewer <br />in anywhere by 1990? Mr. Short felt it was possible. The plan reflects the Tasks Force <br />best guess. It does not reflect the sewer plan that was proposed a year or so ago. <br />Mr. Weible asked on what basis were your assumptions. Mr. Short said it was based on the <br />inquires received to date and the fact that present septics are failing and eventually <br />it will be more practical to replace them with municipal sewer than repairing them. <br />Mr. Weible asked if the ordinance will allow subdividing before sewer is completed? Mr. <br />Johnson felt the City and property owner will have advance knowledge, of the sewer install- <br />ation and felt the subdividing process might start then. Mr. Short said the City will not <br />allow construction of a home before the sewer is installed. The City would not allow <br />subdivision unless they are certain sewer is imminent. <br />David Vickers - 6251 Laurene - Mr. Vickers felt that dense planning for north of the Rice <br />Creek Bridge on Hodgson would force sewers up Hodgson Road. People in the areas south <br />of the Bridge have already divided their lots as much as thex want and do not want to be <br />forced to pay for sewer to service another area. Mr. Shor; ewers will not be forced into <br />any area. Mr. Johnson felt that the plan for the southwest quadrant of the City with its <br />five and ten acre minimum lot size was discouraging growth and discouraging sewers. <br />Mrs. Murphy - Asked if an area has been designated for manufactured homes? Mr. Short <br />said a manufactured homes district is described in the ordinance but no area has been <br />III on the zoning map. He referred to the Shraeder proposal for the area accross <br />from Northern Instruments. The Planning and Zoning Board had placed restrictions on his <br />proposal and then he decided not to build in Lino Lakes. <br />Jim Hill - 298 Elm Street - What % of the development area is designated commercial and <br />what % is industrial. Mr. Short felt it was 5 to 7% of the development area for each <br />commercial and industrial or a total of 10 - 12 %. <br />Mr. Hill asked if this was a normal percentage? Mr. Short said the Task Force had re- <br />searched surrounding communities and fell this percentage is less than any of the surr- <br />ounding communities. <br />Mike Musil - 6364 Hodgson Road - Will the people have a chance to vote on these proposals? <br />Mr. Johnson said these are just informational meetings. Mr. Musil wanted to keep his comm- <br />ercial zoning. Mr. Johnson said he should attend the Council meeting when this goes before <br />the Council and the public hearings. <br />Mr. Weible asked if the zoning map is part of the zoning ordinance? Mr. short said it would <br />be adopted as part of the ordinance. <br />Mrs. Murphy said she would like to see the proposed R -3 area planned for the SE corner <br />of Birch Street and Hodgson Road zoned R -2. Mr. Short felt this R -3 would allow for app- <br />roximately 60 units and felt it was a good use for this area. <br />
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