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09/21/1982 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/21/1982 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />Special Planning and Zoning <br />September 21, 1982 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order by Vice - Chairman McLean with Prokop, Juleen and Goldade <br />present. Absent; Johnson, Klaus and Doocy. <br />Mr. McLean made note that this meeting is for the purpose of handling <br />only one item. <br />VARIANCE - ROBERT MORIS <br />Mr. Moris 6640 Hokah Drive, is applying for a variance to the side - <br />yead setback requirements of thirty (30) feet, under Ordinance #56, <br />Section 6.04. Mr. McLean noted that the application also notes that, <br />although Mr. Moris has installed his slab, no building permit has een <br />issued. The variance also notes that the well is within three of <br />the garage location. <br />( 1 j) <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Moris why he needed the variance and Mr. Moris <br />replied that he had called the Building Inspector on three separate <br />occasions; the first time was about the size requirements for a garage, <br />the second time was about the slab requirements and neither time was <br />he told that he needed a building permit to install a slab. On the <br />third call, Mr. Kluegel was out, but the woman he talked to in the <br />office voluntary told him that he could put his garage within thirty <br />(30) feet of the center line of the street and "come and get a permit <br />when you build the garage." <br />Mr. Moris said he formed up the slab. While he was doing that, Mr. <br />Kluegle drove past several times - never stopped - when he ordered <br />lumber for the garage and he came to City Hall for a permit, that <br />was when he found out that he needed to be 30' from the property line. <br />Mr. Kluegel went out to inspect the property and when the markers were <br />found and the distance measured, he was on 12 feet from the property <br />line. He said he asked Mr. Kluegel how far he had to be from the <br />well and Mr. Klueget said five feet, Mr. Moris checked with the Depart- <br />ment of Health and they said three feet. <br />Mr. Moris summed up by saying he felt he had made more than an adequate <br />effort to conform to City regulations - that he had been misinformed by <br />the City offices causing them mental and financial hardships. <br />Mr. Prokop asked whose functions it is to advise the public that a <br />building permits is necessary? Building Inspector? Clerk's office? <br />should the person find out for themselves if they don't know? Where <br />is the responsibility? <br />Mr. McLean read Mr. Schumacher's memo of September 15, 1982 dealing with <br />the giving out of information directed to all employees. The person <br />asking the questions shall be directed to the department head for answers. <br />Mr. Prokop felt that persons in the City offices, who do not have the <br />knowledge to answer such questions, should be told never to answer <br />question on building on zoning and, if they did, they should be disciplined. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend to the Council approval of this variance <br />request as submitted by Mr. Moris. Seconded by Mr. Goldade. The motion <br />
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