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09/08/1982 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/08/1982 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />September 8, 1982 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />S called to order by Vice - Chairman McLean with the following members present; <br />Prokop, Doocy, Klaus, Juleen, Goldade. Mr. Johnson will be late. <br />MINUTES <br />The meeting in August had been cancelled, therefore there were no minutes. <br />Mr. Prokip moved to dispense with this agenda itesm Seconded by Mrs. Klaus. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Doocy noted that the minutes from the July meeting should have been <br />included in this packet for approval. He requested that these minutes be <br />included in the October packet. <br />VARIANCE - SHERWOOD GREEN <br />Mr. Johnson arrived at 7:45 P.M. <br />Mr. Nelson is requested a variance to Ord. #22A - storm sewer installation. <br />Mr. Kolstad, representing Mr. Nelson, presented the original maps designating <br />the location of the storm sewer. Mr. Kolstad presented the alternate <br />location that they are asking to have approved. He reported that he had <br />AAsLontacted Rice Creek Watershed Board and they found no problems with the <br />iaaternate location. <br />Mr. Davidson explain led the problems he had encountered in the inspection <br />• of this project. The easement in block 1 is between lots 4/5 - 6/7. The <br />problem is that Lot 7 is full of trees and is sold. Mr. Davidson found no <br />problem with relocating the storm sewer between lots 5/6 providing the <br />pipes are the proper size. <br />Mr. Prokop asked if this relocations has,r1peen approved by Rice Creek Water <br />Shed District and Mr. Kolstad said that had. Mr. Prokop asked that this <br />approval be put in writing and forwarded to the City. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Davidson what the pipe size should be and Mr. Davidson <br />said he had not computed that as yet, and would suggested that the motion <br />c,v.ixrg wording to the effect of "proper sizing ". <br />L(• /- <br />Mr. McLean moved to recommend to the Council regarding the Sherwood Green <br />plat dated 7/19/75, Block 1, Lots 4/5 -6/7 drainage easements - this easement <br />be relocated on the line of lots 5/6 to drain the area and the Engineer <br />compute the proper size of the pipes to allow for proper drainage of the <br />area. Also, the letter from Rice Creek' Watershed Board authorizing the <br />abandonment of the apparent ease'F� Ton lots 6/7 be received. Seconded by <br />Mr. Doocy. Motion carried unanimously. <br />B) STREET STANDARDS VARIATION - SHERWOOD GREEN <br />This matter is concerned with large trees located within the area of the <br />boulevard and some on private property that would need to be removed in order <br />to conform to the current standardsas set by the City. <br />There was discussion on the Sight line and the possible need for a stop sign <br />on one or both of the streets. A resident from the audience said he did not <br />feel there was a sight line problem. <br />
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