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09/08/1982 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/08/1982 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />September 8, 1982 <br />Page Two <br />•Mr. Johnson asked if there was a hardship to the land and Mr. Davidson said <br />even if the trees were removed, a clear sight line would not be possible. <br />He felt his concern was the destruction of the fairly large Pine trees. <br />ti- <br />Mr. Juleen said he had driven through the pmt and did not have a problem <br />with sight but felt it would be a sharhe to destroy the trees and he didn't <br />feet that would make too much difference. <br />There was discussion on the need for traffic control signs and where they <br />could be needed. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend to the Council that the variance requested by <br />Mr. Charles Neslon be allowed on the boulevard slope per the City Engineer's <br />recommendations on Lots 16 and 1. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Mr. Kolstad felt that this had been presented to the Council and the Council <br />had sent back to the P &Z - since the City has professionals to deal with <br />such matters, a lot of time could have been saved by heeding their advice. <br />The motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Klaus asbout the installation of the traffic control signs - who takes <br />care of this? This is handled by the Public Works Department and the <br />Engineer. <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to recommend to the Council, when this area is completed, <br />• in the area of Lois Lane and Nottingham Place, this be inspected for the <br />need of proper signs. Seconded by Mr. Prokop . Motion carried unanimously. <br />NATHE - OFF STREET PARKING <br />This matter had been before the Council at a Public Hearing on a Re -zone <br />request to R -3. The Council had delayed a decision on the rezoning and had <br />returned the matter to the Planning and Zoning and asked them to consider <br />the parking that had been proposed and had been deleted by the Planning and <br />Zoning. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out that this property has less than the required frontage <br />on a street. Also this application was for an R -3 zoning. <br />Mr. Prokop stated his concerns with the possibility of cars using the drive= <br />way for parking and blocking emergency vehicles. <br />Mr. McLean read a letter from Chief Myhre noting the problem with the paring <br />at the 49 Club and stating that he felt the additional parking would be an <br />asset. <br />Mr. Prokop suggested that this building be converted to a motel and use the <br />entire parcel for parking. Someone suggested this would only compound the <br />problem. <br />•There was discussion on controlling the parking in the area. Mr. McLean felt <br />there had been the suggestion that a fence be installed. Mr. McLean read <br />his motion but it did not include a fence requirement. <br />Mr. Prokop felt that he could not change his vote on this matter. <br />
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