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09/08/1982 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/08/1982 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />September 8, 1982 <br />Page Three <br />IIIJan Kutzner, J &K Liquors, pointed out the problem she has with patrons of the <br />49 Club parking by the liquor store. She said many cars park along the <br />highway creating a traffic hazard. She felt the extra parking is needed. <br />There was a suggestion that land be acquired across the street for additional <br />parking, but someone felt crossing the highway could also be dangerous. <br />Mrs. Klaus said she is aware of the problem, but, if by allowing this park- <br />ing lot, woud solving one problem create another one. Mr. Prokop agreed. <br />Mr. Johnson felt the black- topping and landscaping would clean up the area. <br />Mr. Juleen felt Mr. Nathe had created his own problem. He felt the 4 -Plex <br />was the problem not the parking lot. Mr. Juleen suggested destroying or <br />removing the house or turned into a motel. <br />Mr. Goldade agreed with this idea. <br />Mr. Johnson%pointed out the intent of the original motion was to recommend <br />approval of the R -3 zoning, delete the parking lot and provide screening <br />to separate the commercial from the residential. <br />Mr. Prokop moved to recommend to the Council that the motion stand with the <br />exception of amended it to provide scrrening between the 49 C lub property <br />IIIand 4 -Plex property and if that is not acceptable 2) Recind the recommendation <br />for the R -3 Zoning for the 4 -Plex, then recommend the 4 -Plex be converted to <br />a motel and a single parking area for both motel and 49 Clun with necessary <br />screening. Seconded by Mr. Juleen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - BUILDING SIZE - MR. ERNST. <br />This concerns a house located just North of El Rehbein's warehouse on Lake <br />Drive. A portion of the house and been removed leaving square footage <br />below standard. A mistake had been made in computing the square footage. <br />Mr. Kluegel had presented this problem to Mr. Schumacher. It was felt this <br />could be handled by an administrative variance. <br />Mr. Kluegel noted that this was a two part house, the front part was a slab <br />on grade and quite delapidated. The house had been empty for several years <br />and had recently been purchased and the old front portion torn away in the <br />process of remodeling to make house livable. <br />Mrs. Ernst pointed out that everything in the house is new to include carpet, <br />cabinets, well, septic system, etc. <br />Mr. Prokop asked if one -half of the garage could be converted to living <br />quarters and Mr. Kluegel said there are no footings under the garage - it is <br />on a slab. <br />Mr. Doocy asked Mr. Kluegel if this home is livable and Mr. Kluegel said, Yes. <br />•Mr, Doocy moved to approve the administrative variance to an existing <br />structure at 7811 Lake Drive. Seconded by Mr. Prokop. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Meeting was adjourned. <br />
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