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03/10/1982 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/10/1982 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />March 10, 1982 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order <br />by Chairman Johnson. Members present: Goldade, McLean, Prokop, Klaus, Johnson. <br />Members absent: Doody, Juleen. Mr. Reinert and Mr. Kluegel were also present. <br />MINUTES <br />Mr. Johnson stated the Clerk had sent a note to the Board requesting the members <br />to speak louder and to use their microphones. Mr. McLean moved to approve the Lino <br />Lakes Planning and Zoning Board minutes of February 17, 1982 as presented. Mrs. <br />Klaus seconded the motions. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean noted that Mr. Schumacher is not going to be at this meeting as planned. <br />MR. SCHUMACHER'S REPORT <br />Mr. Johnson asked Mr. Kluegel if he had anything to report for Mr. Schumacher. Mr. <br />Kluegel said no. Mr. Reinert reported the Council had directed the City Attorney <br />to begin working on a bonding policy for Lino Lakes, He noted that the plat Lakes <br />Addition #7 is before the Council now and bids have been received for improvements. <br />The letting of the bids have been delayed 35 - 45 days to allow the Council time <br />to get a bonding policy in place. The variance for Gregg Olson was granted. The <br />Special Use Permit for Glenn Rehbein was issued on the basis that the building <br />was for storage and light maintenance. A public hearing was set for March 22, 1982 <br />for Nathe's request to rezone oneof his lots to R -3. Mr. McLean noted the action <br />of the Planning and Zoning Board was for approval of the rezone without the park- <br />4110 ing lot, the Board wanted the dwelling to be a separate piece with its own entry <br />for the convenience of those people and it is a variance because there is less than <br />the required frontage on the street. <br />VARIANCE - SZYMANSKI <br />Mr. Szymanski is requesting a variance to transfer title of a parcel of land less <br />than the required 22 acres. Mr. McLean requested that all legal drawings be in- <br />cluded in the packets. Mr. Szymanski said that the purpose for this piece of land <br />was to run his cattle from one piece of property to another. Mr. McLean asked where <br />Mr. Szymanski's frontage is and Mr. Szymanski said he did not have frontage but used <br />a cartway from Rondeau Lake Road West for access to his property. Mr. McLean asked <br />if he plans to develope this property in the future. Mr. Szymanski said it is all <br />peat land and does not expect to build there. Mr.Prokop asked if it was possible <br />to get a lease or an easement. Mr. Szymanski said he had not talked to the land- <br />owner about anything but purchasing. There was a lot of discussion regarding the <br />fact that Mr. Szymanski has no road frontage and the problems he would encounter <br />when he tries to sell his homestead and transfer title. <br />Mr. Prokop asked Mr. Szymanski if he would be amenable in approaching the present <br />landowner of the 33' square parcel to see if he could lease or obtain easements. <br />Mr. Szymanski said he would ask the landowner but he would rather buy the property. <br />Mr. Prokop moved the request for a variance by Mr. Szymanski dated March 4, 1982 <br />•be tabled pending Mr. Szymanski's inquiry into the option of either (A) leasing <br />the property in question or (B) obtaining easements accross the property in quest- <br />ion. Mr. McLean seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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