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03/10/1982 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/10/1982 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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iVARIANCE FEASIBILITY - PLEMMONS <br />• <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />March 10, 1982 <br />Page -2- <br />Mr. Plemmons explained that his property is located at the very southwest corner <br />of Lino Lakes on County Road J. and he would like to divide his property into three <br />homesites. He is facing a financial problem. Mr. McLean read Section 5.05 of Ord- <br />inance #56, Variances and Appeals which states that variances may be granted if a <br />hardship is being created by the shape or the condition of the parcel in question. <br />In this case the hardship is not with the land. <br />Mr. Prokop noted this area is designated as Expansion Residential in the Lino Lakes <br />Land Use Plan, one house per five acres and as a Board preferred to not grant spot <br />rezones. <br />Mr. Plemmons explained his financial condition and said this is the only way out <br />of his situation. There was further discussion regarding the Land Use Plan and <br />that the Land Use Plan is a guideline and the Zoning map and the Zoning ordinances <br />have not been implemented. The Board suggested several buy back plans. <br />Mr. McLean noted that the moratorum has expired regarding dividing property (Ord - <br />inancd #78) and our present ordinances say that parcels of property of 21/2 acres or <br />more can be split and sold without a variance or without City approval. Mr. McLean <br />suggested dividing Mr. Plemmons parcel into two 2.9 acre home sites with each parcel <br />containing at least 150 feet frontage and recording them at the County. Mr. Prokop <br />said that although the City has adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the support <br />ordinances are not in place yet therefore, there is this loop hole. <br />Mr. Plemmons asked if the Planning and Zoning Board could act on a request for the <br />variance on the plan he presented (3 homesite). Mr. McLean explained that this was <br />not possible since he had not completed the necessary variance forms and had not <br />paid the fee. Mr. Prokop said the best the Planning and Zoning could do tonight <br />was recommend a division into two 22+ acre lots since Mr. Plemmons needs to resolve <br />this before April 16, 1982 and the Council would not be able to consider the var- <br />iance before April 26, 1982 without going to a Special meeting. <br />Mr. Plemmons thanked the Board for their time and suggestions. <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Mrs. Klaus asked about theplanned City tour and Mr. McLean said that arrangements <br />have tenatively have been made for the 20th of March to use the Civil Defense van <br />for the tour at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall. <br />Mrs. Klaus asked about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the zoning map. Mr. <br />McLean said the Planning and Zoning Board would make recommendations to the Councl <br />regarding the map. Barton- Aschman have already submitted a map to the City that <br />is much like the map in the Land Use Plan. The actual zoning map will be in much <br />more detail, areas more defined. <br />Mr. Reinert made a comment about the Charter Commission but I could not pick this <br />up off the tapes. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Mr. McLean asked about the life of a building permit. Mr. Kluegel stated that the <br />
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