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09/14/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/14/1983 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />Planning and Zoning <br />September 14, 1983 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order by Vice - Chairman McLean with the following members present; <br />Ostlie, Klaus, Doocy, Cody;, Goldade; Absent; Prokop. <br />MINUTES - August 10, 1983 <br />Mr. Ostlie - Page 5, paragraph 2 - felt the motion dealing with the Molin <br />noise abatement was not stated correctly. He felt the noise abatement <br />should satisfy the Planning and Zoning and the Council. Mr. Ostlie <br />corrected the minutes in include "an agreement between Molin and the <br />residents as to the noise abatement" Mrs. Klaus, who had seconded the <br />motion, accepted the correction. <br />Mrs. Klaus corrected Paragraph 9, page 5, the sentence should read "Lake <br />shore lots ". <br />Mr. McLean asked about the front footage on lake shore lots - Mr. Kluegel <br />said 75' frontage, the set back depends on the classification of the <br />lake - some are 150'- some 175' and can be as low as 50' on certail lakes. <br />Existing lots are grandfathered in with some suggestions as to use of <br />person who own adjacent lots. <br />Page 5, under Old Business - Mr. Ostlie said there was an open question - <br />IIIshould there have been an answer? Mr. Kluegel felt the material is there <br />10 days before the meeting - Mr. Doocy noted that he had picked these <br />remarks from Mr. Short at the last meeting. <br />Mr. Ostlie moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr, <br />Goldade. Motion carried unanimously. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL's REPORT <br />Mr. Kluegel reported on the actions taken by the Council; <br />..Adopted the Shoreland Management Ordinance <br />..Approve Mr. Wolters rezoning request <br />..Will hold an informational meeting on the sewer district in connection <br />with the Rice Lake Estates plat. <br />Mr. McLean had some questions in reference to the AT &T Conditional Use <br />Permit which Mr. Kluegel answered. Some of Mr. McLean's concerns will be <br />discussed at the Public Hearing scheduled for September 26, 1983. <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - PAUL WOLTER <br />This conditional use permit request is for the expansion of his business <br />in the form of an additional building at the present location for the <br />purpose of storing his equipment. <br />III Planning and Zoning discussed the following items; <br />landscaping <br />..replacement of the existing sign <br />..the odd shape of the lot due to the drainage ditch <br />..proposed graveled parking area (Ordinance requires cement, blacktop or <br />water sealed surface). <br />
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