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09/14/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/14/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning <br />September 14, 1983 <br />- page two - <br />IIIIt was also noted that any proposed water sealed surface must be approved <br />by the City Engineer. <br />..the parking area was noted on the plat <br />..front area to be seeded and maintained <br />..temporary sign to be replaced by a permanent sign within one year <br />..buffer requirement of 40' - this is not on the plat <br /> exterior storage on the South aide <br />..fence with plastic strips to be along South line. The durability of <br />the plastic strips was discussed with Mr. Wolters explaining. <br />Mr. Ostlie questioned Mr. Wolters on the feasibility of constructing the <br />new building further North, thus adding footage to the buffer zone to the <br />South. Mr. Wolters noted that the area between the building is necessary <br />for the parking of equipment in the new building - must have the area <br />for maneuvering the trucks and trailers. <br />Mrs. Klaus felt the building in itself provided sufficient buffer to the <br />South - She was more concerned with the area to the West. <br />Mr. Goldade moved to recommend to the Council approval of this Conditional <br />Use Permit for Mr. Paul Wolters for the construction of an additional <br />structure with the stipulation that Mr. Short's recommendations be followed <br />and the driveway and parking surfaces to either cement, blacktop or, if <br />III a water sealed surface, must have the City Engineer's approval, the <br />temporary sign to be replaced by a permanent sign within one year. Seconded <br />by Mrs. Klaus. Motion carried unanimously. <br />DOUGLAS BOE - BUILDING AND SITE PLAN REVIEW <br />This is a proposed building for Lot 1, Block 2 in the Lino Industrial Park <br />located on Industrial Boulevard. This street is not in but the lot side <br />that line abutts Lilac. However, Anoka County has requested this building <br />face the interior street in order to driveways exiting onto Lilac from the <br />industrial park. It was suggested the developer be required to put the <br />interior street in for at least the side lot line of this lot. <br />The construction of the building, the insulation, the matter of ventilation <br />since there will be quite a lot of arc welding inside, the parking lot sur- <br />face, the absence of elevations (this is available on the original plat), <br />the landscaping plan ( there was a suggestion that the well be located <br />away from the parking lot should there be a need to expand in that direction) <br />the matter of an advertising sign, the separation of the work area from the <br />show room area of the building,(this is within the province of the building <br />inspector and must comply with OSHA regulations) - these items were all <br />discussed by the Planning and Zoning Board members. <br />The general consensus of the Board was the street must be installed by the <br />developer for the length of the side lot line in conformance with Anoka <br />.County's request; there is to be no exterior storage; no accessory building; <br />parking area and driveway must conform to the LI requirements; the topo- <br />graphy is on the original plat; there is adequate parking for the present; <br />landscaping plan is adequate; a time table for completion is needed. The <br />Board suggested one year for completion. <br />
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