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06/08/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
06/08/1983 P&Z Minutes
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IVY <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />eierAo <br />June 8, 1983 <br />. The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 7:35 <br />P.M. Wednesday, June 8, 1983 by Chairman Prokop. Members present: Mr. McLean, Prokop, <br />Goldade, Doocy and Mrs. Klaus. Members absent: Johnson, Ostlie. City Planner, Bill Short <br />and City Zoning Official Peter Kluegel were also present. <br />MINUTES <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes of the May 11, 1983 Planning and Zoning Board meet- <br />ing as presented. Mr. McLean seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Prokop said he would like to revise the order of the agenda because the first item, <br />Rice Lake Estates is very lengthly. He asked if Mr. Bernier and Mr. Volk, the last agenda <br />items were in the audience, both were and Mr. Prokop then began with the Bernier variance <br />request. <br />VARIANCE - BERNIER <br />Mr. James Bernier appeared before the Board to request a variance to the moratorum and a <br />variance to 1005.06, Subd. (2)B of the Zoning Ordinance regarding required front footage. <br />Mr. Bernier explained the property is owned by his mother and he wishes to purchase 10 + <br />acres with a 165' frontage. The reason he wanted the variance is because if he were to <br />acquire the required 330' frontage he would split his mothers farmstead and he would get <br />the barn, silor and z of the machine shed from his mother. He also felt that his family <br />(brothers and sisters) would not go along with this type of division. <br />•r. McLean explained the reason for the 330' frontage requirement in the ordinance and <br />did not feel this would cause a hardship of the land, only a hardship with the family. <br />It was suggested that Mr. Bernier acquire the full 330' frontage and give his mother an <br />easement to the barn and silo. Mr. Bernier felt this probably would not be satisfactory <br />with his family. <br />Mr. McLean moved that the application for a variance to Ordinance #85 be tabled for 30 <br />days affording the opportunity to look at alternatives to the application. Mr. Doocy <br />seconded the motion. <br />Mrs. Klaus asked if Mr. Bernier met the required frontage will he have to return to the <br />Planning and Zoning Board. It was determinted that the moratorum should have expired <br />by the next Planning and Zoning Board meeting and Mr. Bernier would not have to return <br />for a variance to the moratorum. <br />On the table motion, motion declared passed. <br />VARIANCE - VOLK <br />Mr. Volk explained he is requesting a variance to the moratorum so that he can deed .4 <br />(four tenths) acre to his neighbor so the neighbor can add on to his garage. Presently <br />the neighbor has a single car garage and it is about 10' from the property line. <br />The lots owned by Mr. Volk and his neighbor, Mr. Pebbles were identified on the map. Both <br />4111ots are in the Sunset Oaks subdivision. <br />Mr. Prokop noted that Outlot K is platted for a future street and Mr. Pebbles said his <br />house would be directly in the path of a future extension of outlot K for a street. It <br />would be impossible to extend outlot K to Sunset Avenue. <br />
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