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06/08/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
06/08/1983 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />June 8, 1983 <br />Page -2- <br />Mr. McLean explained the original concept for splitting the lots in this area when munic- <br />ipal sewer is available. He felt it was unfortunate that new homes were not placed prop- <br />erly so these lots could have been split as planned. <br />Mr. Prokop felt that there is still the possibility of lot splits when sewer is available <br />in this area and this Board should not grant a variance and jeopardize the possibility of <br />lot splits. <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to recommend that the application for a variance for Mr. Gary Volk to split <br />part of his property be denied on the grounds it does not conform to the Comprehensive Land <br />Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance that is being put into effect. Mr. Doocy seconded the <br />motion. Motion declared passed. <br />A five minute break was taken at 8:25 P.M. <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENTDMENTS, CENTERVILLE AND SHOREVIEW <br />Both the City of Centerville and Shoreview have requested revision of their Comprehensive <br />Plans and Mr. Short had presented the Board with a review of the proposals of each City <br />and felt that there will be no impact on Lino Lakes from these changes. Mr. Short explained <br />that Centerville wishes to include a 20 acre parcel near the Lino Lakes border in Centervilles <br />sewer district so that a manufactured home subdivision can be built. <br />,he Shoreview Comprehensive Plan change is regarding County Road J (Ash Street). The change <br />s in the access to County Road J, all lots south of County Road J will front on a City <br />street not on County Road J. Mr. Short felt that this is the type of planning Lino Lakes <br />should be involved in, limiting the access to minor arterial roadways. The next preliminary <br />plat to be considered tonight is an example of this sort of planning. <br />Mr. McLean moved to recommend to the Council that we approve the proposed Comprehensive <br />Plan amendments presented for the cities of Centerville and Shoreview. Mr. Doocy seconded <br />the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />REZONE AND PRELIMINARY PLAT - RICE LAKE ESTATES <br />Mr. Zack Johnson representing Mr. Donald Spagneski appeared before the Board and asked that <br />the rezone request be considered before the preliminary plat request. The entire proposal <br />is essentially the same as presented in April. There will be approximately 42 - 422 acres <br />of single family homesite, about oneacre for neighborhood business and approximately 10 <br />acres of park or open space. The basic difference is the lot sizes and widths now conform <br />to the Lino Lakes proposed zoning ordinance requirements. <br />Mr. Johnson stated the request for rezone is from R -3 to R -7 and from R -3 to (NB) Neighbor- <br />hood Business. The land use concept is exactly the same as presented in April. This pre- <br />liminary plat is slightly different. <br />Mr. Short presented his review of the rezoning request. This request will probably result <br />in less density than R -3 and he described the land use of the surrounding property. The <br />41, roposed access to Hodgson Road is respecting the minor arterial roadway, only two accesses <br />o Hodgson Road. Regarding parks and playgound, Baldwin Pard (10 acres) in Circle Pines <br />is adjacent to the proposed subdivision and what is recommended in the Comprehensive Plan <br />is that the two cities of Circel Pines and Lino Lakes work together to develop this park <br />not duplicate the facilities. He feels that walkways should be provided for access to this <br />park. He was not sure what arrangement should or could be made; with Circle Pines for use <br />
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