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05/11/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
05/11/1983 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />Olt' <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />May 11, 1983 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 7:35 P.M., Wednesday, May 11, 1983 by Vice Chair, McLean. <br />Members present: Goldade, Ostlie, Klaus, Doocy, McLean. Members absent: <br />Johnson. Chairman, Prokop will arrive later. Mr. Kluegel, Zoning Official <br />was also present. <br />MINUTES <br />Mr. Goldade moved to approve the minutes of the April 13, 1983 Planning <br />and Zoning Board meetingas presented. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />RESOLUTION FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF A PORTION OF ASH STREET (COUNTY ROAD J) <br />Mr. Art Hawkins who owns the only property to the north of Ash Street in <br />this area was present to give his views of the reclassification. He pre- <br />sented a map showing his property. When 35E was constructed it split his <br />farm. He now owns land on both sides of 35E. He explained he was not <br />concerned with the reclassification itself. He was concerned that the <br />reason for the reclassification was for a long range proposal for a dia- <br />mond interchange on the north side of Ash Street at 35E. This would affect <br />his property (about 6 acres) on the east side of 35E. He felt if there will <br />be a diamond interchange he hoped they would take the entire parcel. He <br />411 felt if only a portion was left it would be useless. <br />Mr. McLean said that the Planning and Zoning Board could recommend that the <br />diamond interchange be eliminated from the Comprehensive Plan. This would <br />remove the City's interest in the interchange. He felt this would help <br />in controlling the lake and prevent this area from becoming another dumping <br />ground. Also if residences were constructed in this area it would give the <br />City an additional taxable base where a diamond interchange would not. He <br />felt a complete diamond interchange would not have a real impact on the <br />traffic patterns. <br />Mr. Ostlie asked Mr. Hawkins if his concern was that if this bacame a full <br />diamond interchange he would not be adequately compensated for the land? <br />Mr. Hawkins said, yes. <br />Mr. McLean said he felt what Lino Lakes should be doing is removing the <br />recommendation of a diamond interchange at this location. <br />Mrs. Klaus felt a need should be shown for a full diamond interchange. <br />Mr. McLean felt the request for reclassification from Ramsey County is so <br />the County can have the entire Otter Lake Road in Ramsey County reclassified <br />for State Aid purposes. Mr. Kluegel said he had talked to a Ramsey County <br />Engineer who said the reason for the request is to make this portion of <br />Otter Lake Road conform to the County Comprehensive Plan. This engineer <br />• <br />
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