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05/11/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/11/1983 P&Z Minutes
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7/21/2014 1:36:59 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />May 11, 1983 <br />Page -2- <br />had also said there were no plans to alter or up grade Otter Lake Road in <br />any manner. <br />Mr. Goldade asked why Lino Lakes had proposed a full diamond interchange <br />in their Comprehensive Plan? This was unknown. <br />Mr. Goldade felt it would not have much impact on the City either way since <br />most of the traffic is south of Ash Street. <br />Mr. Ostlie felt he would rather leave the Comprehensive Plan as is if it <br />were not for the question of adequate compensation for Mr. Hawkins. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to recommend that the City keep and maintain County Road <br />J (ASh Street) east of 35E as a collector street, and recommend disapproval <br />of Ramsey County's request to reclassify it to a more intense use. The <br />motion was seconded by Mrs. Klaus. Motion declared passed. Mr. Goldade, Nay. <br />The Board felt there should be a study to show the need for the reclassif- <br />ication and upgrading of Ash Street. <br />VARIANCE - NOREN <br />r. Jerome Noren asked the Planning and Zoning Board for a variance to Ord- <br />inance #85 (Moratorum) so that he can deed ten plus (10 +) acres to his son <br />who wishes to build a house. This property is in the Rural classification <br />and meets all requirements in the proposed Zoning Ordinance for subdivision <br />in a rural area. There is a 66' wide strip of land running east from this <br />parcel. Mr. Noren explained many years ago this was a hunting access to <br />the now dead Cedar Lake. <br />It was noted that under the proposed ordinance a variance will not be re- <br />quired for a long driveway. He was told that the driveway will have to be <br />constructed and maintained to provide access for emergency vehicles. <br />Mrs. Klaus moved to recommend approval of the variance for Mr. Jerome Noren <br />on property at 6198 Holly Drive. This subdivision is in conformance with <br />the Comprehensive Plan and the new proposed zoning ordinance. Mr. Goldade <br />seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Noren was told this item would be carried to the Council on May 23, 1983 <br />and he should be at that meeting. <br />FEASIBILITY - VARIANCE, BRUGGEMAN <br />Mr. Bruggeman came before the Board to talk about a plat revision and the <br />feasibility of dividing several outlots on Bald Eagle Lake in the area of <br />West Oaks into small 25' wide lots to be sold with lots on the west side <br />.of Bald Eagle Road. This would be a matter of marketing for him. He said <br />there would be parking on the west side of the road for these lots. <br />Mr. Ostlie asked if this was commonly done? Mr. Bruggeman did not know. <br />
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