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03/23/1983 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/23/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />Special Meeting <br />March 23, 1983 <br />411/A Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order Wednesday, <br />March 23, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Prokop. Members present: Prokop, Goldade, Ostlie, <br />L. Johnson, Doocy, McLean. Members absent: Klaus. Mr. Kluegel, Zoning Official and Mr. Bill <br />Short, City Planner were also present. <br />The purpose of this meeting was to review the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Zoning map and <br />send them on to the Council for their consideration. <br />Mr. Johnson asked Mr. Kluegel if he felt that there was anything in this proposed ordinance <br />that was not enforceable. Mr. Kluegel felt it was a good document. <br />Mr. McLean noted that Mrs. Anderson had reviewed a portion of the Ordinance and had several <br />comments and corrections. These comments or corrections were made not as a private citizen <br />but as a proof reader of the document. <br />- Page 8, Item 56. Farm Definition, 40 acres, should it be 10 acres? This item will be add- <br />ressed later in these minutes. <br />- Several places in this draft ordinance it refers to specific ordinance numbers such as <br />Ordinance #65 or #85. The City ordinances are being codified and this draft ordinance should <br />refer to the Lino Lakes City Code and a specific section rather than the ordinance number. <br />Mr. Short asked the staff to point out these errors in this draft ordinance. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to approve the changes in this draft to reflect the codification or new <br />1110 ity Code. Mr. Doocy seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />- Page 13 (108) suggest the word "building" be added to definition. Mr. Doocy moved to add <br />the words "and /or building "to the end of the sentence. Mr. McLean seconded the motion. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />-Page 20, (4), 1st paragraph on top of page, defining minimum lot size for five (5) and ten <br />(10) acre lots. Should this include a statement regarding easements as part of the lot size. <br />Mr. McLean moved to correct the definition of Subd.5, Section (4) as follows: "The minimum <br />lot size and width requirements established in this Ordinance shall be computed excluding all <br />roadway rights of way with the following exceptions: 5- and 10- acre lots in the Rural and <br />Expansion Residential Districts may include road right of way (to the centerline of a road- <br />way) in calculating such requirements up to 107 of their minimum lot size. Mr. Goldade <br />seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />-Mr. Short noted that the proposed ordinance contains a definition for agriculture and for <br />limited farm but not for farm. Mr. McLean moved that item #57, Farm on page 8 be rewritten <br />to delete the word (40) and substute (10). Mr. Goldade seconded the motion. Motion de- <br />clared passed. <br />- Page 22, Item (13). Roadside Stands. Mr. Johnson moved to accept this verbatum as written. <br />Mr. McLean seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Page 40. 3(A). 2nd paragraph. Mr. McLean moved to change the 2nd paragraph to read, "The <br />4110 lanning Commission shall review and recommend approval or disapproval to the City Council. <br />hey may also suggest such conditions as they deem necessary to the approval of site and <br />uilding plans. The Planning Commissions recommendations will be passed on to the Council for <br />their review and approval or disapproval. He also moved to add the word "recommendations" <br />to the end of the 1st paragraph. Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion declared passed. <br />
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