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02/09/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
02/09/1983 P&Z Minutes
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February 9, 1983 <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />411/regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order by <br />Chairman Prokop, Wednesday, February 9, 1983 at 7:35 P.M. The Chairman noted that all <br />members were present. Mr. Kluegel was also present. <br />MINUTES - January 12, 1983 <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes of the January 12, 1983 meeting. Mr. Prokop quest- <br />ioned page 2, :paragraph 5, 2nd second sentence. He felt this might be a misintrepretation. <br />Mr. Doocy asked to withdraw his previous motion and moved to table the minutes of January <br />12, 1983 until this sentence is clarified. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. Motion de- <br />clared passed. <br />VARIANCE - Stafki <br />Mr. Prokop explained this is an item the Planning and Zoning Board approved on January 12, <br />1983. The Council on January 24, 1983 suggested that this item be brought back to the <br />Planning and Zoning Board for further co sideration. <br />Mr. Stafki explained he had a conflict the night of the Council meeting and did not attend. <br />Mrs. Sarner had told him she would call him if the Council had further questions. He had <br />been told the Council had sent this request back to the Planning and Zoning Board and Mr. <br />Hawkins, City Attorney, would be here at this meeting tonight. However, Mr. Hawkins is <br />at the Centerville Council meeting tonight and has sent a letter instead. <br />IIIProkop explained Mr. Hawkins letter indicates that according to the Comprehensive <br />Use Plan a lot in an unsewered area should be one acre. <br />Mr. McLean felt Mr. Hawkins point was in the area of setting precedence and he felt Mr. <br />Hawkins was correct. <br />Mr. Johnson said although he sympathized with Mr. Stafki he agreed with Mr. Hawkins. <br />Mrs. Klaus stated that if the Planning and Zoning Board decided to rescind their prev- <br />ious motion and recommend to deny the variance, Mr. Stafki could come back for a variance <br />when sewer is brought into the area. <br />Mr. Ostlie said this action would not prevent Mr. Stafki from reapplying once the moratorum <br />is lifted. <br />Mr. Prokop asked for a time schedule for when the moratorum could be lifted. He was told <br />the next three quadrant meetings are February 10, 15 and 17th and there is another task <br />force meeting set for February 22 to tie everything together. The Council could then <br />set a public hearing at their first meeting in March. The public hearing requires pub- <br />lication so this may be held in April. The Council could make a decision at this meet- <br />ing. The Charter regulations will have to be applied so there may be a waiting period <br />before the rezoning becomes effective. <br />Mr. Stafki asked if he would be allowed to subdivde after the moratorum is lifted. Mrs. <br />Klaus felt that because this area is designated Urban Residential and because there is no <br />s r available the required lot size will still be one acre after the moratorum is lifted. <br />
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