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02/09/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
02/09/1983 P&Z Minutes
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February 12, 1983 <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />Page -2- <br />Doocy explained he felt this was an area in which the City would want to encourage <br />lopment, it is already a residential area, an area we would want to fill in before <br />other areas are encouraged to develope and for this reason he felt Mr. Stafki could <br />split his lot now for development in a year or two when sewer could be in. <br />Mr. Stafki asked if there was a guarantee that if he waited until after the moratorum <br />is lifted he could reapply and get the variance. The Board said they could not guar- <br />antee this. <br />Mr. Ostlie asked if Mr. Stafki would have to reapply and would there be another filing <br />fee if he would want to reapply after the moratorum is lifted. He was told if the act- <br />ion was to table this variance, there would not be another fee. However, if the Council <br />denies the application for a variance another fee would be required if he reified. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Kluegel if it would be proper to postphone action on this variance <br />until such time the moratorum is lifted. Mr. Kluegel said that the new ordinance will <br />require five acres with one acre buildable in an unsewered area. Mrs. Anderson said in <br />her conversations with Mr. Hawkins he indicated that after the moratorum is lifted, <br />in an unsewered area a one acre lot will still be required. <br />There was a difference of opinion between the City Planner and City Attorney as to what <br />the new ordinance will require for a buildable lot in an unsewered area. Mr. Short, City <br />Planner feels that a five acre lot with one acre buildable will be required and Mr. Hawkins <br />feels that one acre will be required. <br />ill. McLean felt that one acre minimum was the intent of the task force. <br />Johnson asked if it was wise to allow the lots in the Lakeview area to subdivide <br />before sewers were installed. It was explained that only the corner lots had enough <br />frontage to subdivide and there were only about three lots left. <br />Mr. Prokop asked if what the Council is really saying to the Planning and Zoning Board <br />regarding Mr. Stafki's variance request is to hold off until the moratorum is lifted and <br />the final ordinance and zoning map has been adopted and then reconsider Mr. Stafki's <br />request. Mrs. Anderson said she felt Mr. Hawkins would tell the Council that according <br />to the Land Use Plan a one acre minimum is still required in this area because it is <br />unsewered and deny the request. <br />Mr, McLean felt the Planning and Zoning Board should get together with Mr. Hawkins and <br />come to an understanding regarding this issue. <br />Mr. Goldade asked if the Council is not going to consider any variance to the moratorum <br />why does the staff accept any applications at all? Why doesn't the Council direct the <br />staff not to accept any application for a variance? Mrs. Klaus felt the staff should <br />not be asked to judge who can apply for a variance and who cannot apply. Mr. Goldade <br />said this pertains to a variance to the moratorum only. Mr. Prokop felt the staff cann- <br />ot make the judgement of who can or cannot apply for a variance but they can advise the <br />applicant of what the chances are for approval. <br />Mr. McLean moved to rescind the motion made by Mr. Doocy on January 12, 1983 concerning <br />e Stafki variance by reason being that the motion that was made did not follow the intent <br />the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />
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