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12/08/1982 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/08/1982 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />LU <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order <br />by Mr. Juleen at 7:38 P.M. Members present: Juleen, Goldade, Klaus and Doocy. Mem- <br />bers absent: McLean , Prokop, Johnson. Mr. Schumacher and Mr. Kluegel were also pre- <br />sent. <br />December 8, 1982 <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />The minutes of the November 10, 1982 Planning and Zoning Board meeting were considered. <br />The motion regarding Mr. Kenney's Special Use Permit for the sales of unpainted furn- <br />iture should show that Mr. Doocy and Mr. Prokop voted against the motion. The motion <br />passed with three voting for the motion and two voting against the motion. Mrs. Klaus <br />moved to approve the minutes of November 10, 1982 with the above corrections. Mr. Gold - <br />ade seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Goldade moved to approve the October 13, 1982 minutes as corrected. Mr. Doocy <br />seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Goldade commented on the Council Minutes dated November 15, 1982, page 1, 10th <br />paragraph. There should be three (3) Planning and Zoning Board requests. The third <br />is that the Planning and Zoning Board be sent their minutes at the same time the Council <br />is sent Planning and Zoning Board minutes so that the Planning and Zoning Board has a <br />chance to review their minutes before the Council acts on their recommendations. <br />Mr. Prokop arrived at 7:48 P.M. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE - Henry Amundson <br />• Mr. Amundson is requesting a Special Use Permit to construct a non - residental building <br />in an area without sanitary sewer (Ord. #56, Section 4.23) and to construct a driveway <br />with access to a street shown on the Adopted Major Thoroughfare Plan (Ord. #56, Sect- <br />ion 4.04D). Mr. Amundson is also requesting a variance to Ordinance #85, Section 4 <br />so that he can develope his site plan for an office building on lot 19, block 2, Caroles <br />Estates II. <br />Mr. Amundson explained the exact location of the lot, south of A -Well and north of <br />Village Plumbing. <br />Mr. Amundson explained he and a partner own the lot and have leases for all of the <br />space. He will retain ownership. <br />Mr. Doocy asked Mr. Kluegel if shrubs or shields on the back of the lots were required <br />for the other development in this area. Mr. Kluegel said he would have to check the <br />records. <br />Mrs. Klaus read portions of Mr. Short's (City Planner) letter with his recommendations. <br />Mr. Amundson said he has already corrected his drawings to reflect all of the changes <br />Mr. Short has recommended. The corrected drawings were sent out to the Board Members <br />so they should have a drawing that reflects all the necessary changes. <br />Mrs. Klaus noted that the lot is located in an area now zoned commercial. The Comp- <br />rehensive Plan designates this area as residential but since there is already comer- <br />*cial development on both sides of the lot this development would be consistent with <br />present development. <br />Mr. Amundson told the Board there is a letter from the Anoka County Highway Department <br />designating the location of the driveway. The County is requiring the friveway to be <br />adjacent to lot 20 and combined with the driveway of lot 20. Mr. Short said by Ordin- <br />
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